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How do I change selection behaviors?
(09-22-2023, 04:11 AM)Greymalkin Wrote: I'm currently using Gimp 2.14 on Windows 11. I am having trouble with the selection tool. This is a problem with all selection tools (rectangular, oval, cage, freehand, ect). 

Old behavior (desired): Click selection tool. Select the area of the canvas you want. Work inside the area. Click outside of the selected area. The area is un-selected. To add to the selected area, hold + and select a second area. To remove from the selected area, hold - and select the area to un-select. If no area has been selected, you may work on the entire canvas.

New behavior (make it stop!): Click selection tool. Select the area of the canvas you want. Area remains selected until you un-select it manually. To un-select you hold - and select the area you want to have un-selected. Unless an area has been selected, no tools will work on the canvas. You must select the entire canvas to be able to work on the entire canvas. If the entire canvas has been selected, you must un-select the entire canvas manually to be able to select a small part of the canvas.

The new behavior has been a nightmare for my workflow. I am constantly being forced to zoom out and remove all selected areas manually. I also have to constantly reselect the entire canvas so I can get back to work on the bigger picture. It's tedious and very annoying.

How do I get the old behavior back?

There is no 2.14. There is a 2.10.14 (but current version is 2.10.34) and a 2.99.14 (now 2.99.16) which is still experimental (so not recommended for "production"). What is the old behavior? The 2.8 one (vs 2.10 new) or the 2.10 one (vs 2.99 new)? AFAIK there is no difference between 2.10 and 2.99 (up to 2.99.14).
  • Area remains selected until you un-select it manually: Looks like a good way to avoid mishaps to me. A selection is sometimes a complicated thing to create. If you are in a selection tool, clicking outside the selection still wipes it out, though.
  • Unless an area has been selected, no tools will work on the canvas: this is false. If there is no selection, tools will work on the whole active layer (no tool ever works on the canvas, they work on layers, of course if the layer is as big as the canvas this makes no difference). 
  • You must select the entire canvas to be able to work on the entire canvas: Also false. In most cases there is no difference between no selection and full-selection (except for Transform tools, and layers that are partially outside the canvas boundaries).
  • If the entire canvas has been selected, you must un-select the entire canvas manually to be able to select a small part of the canvas: Also false. Starting a new selection in a selection tool removes the existing selection, you don't need to remove it first.
  • I am constantly being forced to zoom out and remove all selected areas manually: Select > None (Ctrl-Shift-A) removes all selections, so I don't know why you would have to zoom out for this.

Messages In This Thread
RE: How do I change selection behaviors? - by Ofnuts - 09-22-2023, 07:31 AM

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