(11-07-2023, 04:06 PM)PixLab Wrote: If it's the "famous bug" on macOS, depending GIMP version and your mac version, you won't see the selection, but... it's selected, (better to update your GIMP as the bug was fixed)
To add to what rich2005 wrote, as visual reference, to help you see what you've selected, tick the check box "Draw mask" in the tool options, a magenta color will fill selection (while clicking the mouse, and disappear on mouse release)
Now to be sure if it's that bug we are speaking or not (no visible marching ants), please try to select something on an image, then copy (CMD+C) and paste (CMD+V) you should see a new layer called floating selection in the layer's dialog/stack above the original layer.
Then Click on the + (layer) icon at the bottom of the layer's stack to merge the selection to a new layer > is it what you did selected?
Hi there PixLab and Patrice. Here's what I did:
1) Checked that selection tool is on - it was
2) Selected Toggle Quick Mask (it turned magenta)
3) in Fuzzy tool, selected draw mask
4) Used fuzzy tool to select white area [ note: no marching ants - ]
5) inverted selection (to select scroll image)
6) copied
7) pasted
8) right click on floating to paste to new layer
9) hid original image
10) It worked! (see Screenshot 1.png)

However, I don't see what is selected (marching ants) when using fuzzy tool, so would be running blind (so to speak).
I am running OS 13.6.1 on an M1, and GIMP 2.10.22 (Version 3).
Do I need to update to get rid of this bug? If so, would you kindly point me in the right direction (link) so I can update?
I found this: https://www.gimp.org/downloads/
and it shows 2.10.36 for Silicon direction (Screenshot 2.png). Is this the recommended link?
Lastly, to update properly, I'm not sure if I download a new version and run installer package (it just overwrites existing version) or if I need to trash existing GIMP version and then install newest version?
Many, many thanks to you both!