hello dear Patrice,
many thanks for the reply
i am not so familiar with GIMP but i am willing to learn - and finally i will pick a map to work on this. (as rick 2005 mentioned. from here : https://simplemaps.com/resources/svg-maps
but thank you Patrice for the mini-lesson on working on SVG - examples: so just to dive into the concrete work with the files - i tried to reproduce the steps: .. so why not - and i try to follow your steps - and your example - with the SVG, that you have taken.
.... so since this thread notes to work with SVG - i try to dive into SVG things ... and the work with such files.
you mentioned:
so far so good - this is no problem.
okay - that step is doable here.
3. see what happened when i choosed a color..
see what happens with the image of the map.
it gets blue - totally blue ...
did i look something wrong here
note it does not look like your example.
well - i take this as a little example - to get more insights into the work with SVG _ but currently i think i miss some steps ..
on my site - the whole screen got blue
i will try to figure out why this happens here. I think i have missed one little step.
note: this is for me a great step towards the creation of my map - i will follow your steps and take a " free map "
and then i will follow your instructions - from you all - ofnuts, rick2005, Patrice and all
eg i find it a good way to go like so: - eg to folloiw this approach towards this task
@rich2005 you show e.g. in this film: https://imgur.com/FpEVWdO
to recapitulate - all what understood .... in your approach
as Rick mentioned i will pick a map from the ressource he mentioned. : https://simplemaps.com/resources/svg-maps
rick 2005 ,,,,
well i will do so. but first of all - i ll have to find out what goes wrong with the example that you Patrice mentioned - the SVG from the wikipedia.. - which got blue ....
hopefully i get there.
first of all i pick a free map and then i follow all lthe steps

many thanks for the reply
i am not so familiar with GIMP but i am willing to learn - and finally i will pick a map to work on this. (as rick 2005 mentioned. from here : https://simplemaps.com/resources/svg-maps
but thank you Patrice for the mini-lesson on working on SVG - examples: so just to dive into the concrete work with the files - i tried to reproduce the steps: .. so why not - and i try to follow your steps - and your example - with the SVG, that you have taken.
.... so since this thread notes to work with SVG - i try to dive into SVG things ... and the work with such files.
you mentioned:

Quote:1. Unless you are speaking about the svg from wikipedia...
But what do you want to do with it? Change the color of the dots?
If so, when you import the SVG in gimp Uncheck: the "Import Paths" because we don't need it in this case (and there are more than 11,000 paths in it which could take a while to load)
so far so good - this is no problem.
Quote:2. Once imported, in the layer's dialog (AKA layer's stack), click that icon to lock (protect) the alpha channel > To paint the dots, not the transparency.
okay - that step is doable here.
3. see what happened when i choosed a color..
see what happens with the image of the map.

it gets blue - totally blue ...
did i look something wrong here
note it does not look like your example.
well - i take this as a little example - to get more insights into the work with SVG _ but currently i think i miss some steps ..
on my site - the whole screen got blue

i will try to figure out why this happens here. I think i have missed one little step.
note: this is for me a great step towards the creation of my map - i will follow your steps and take a " free map "
and then i will follow your instructions - from you all - ofnuts, rick2005, Patrice and all
eg i find it a good way to go like so: - eg to folloiw this approach towards this task
@rich2005 you show e.g. in this film: https://imgur.com/FpEVWdO
to recapitulate - all what understood .... in your approach
Quote:only one layer is used:
load the SVG in GIMP and
render this
Edit> Fill Path
choose a fill path
choose a file style … with Paintbrush
[x] Pattern
[x] Antialising
as Rick mentioned i will pick a map from the ressource he mentioned. : https://simplemaps.com/resources/svg-maps
rick 2005 ,,,,
Quote: For what it is worth, I would use svg outline maps. Open an SVG in Gimp and you determine the size, larger or smaller (within reason) without degradation. Do a search for free svg maps, I used one from here: https://simplemaps.com/resources/svg-maps
well i will do so. but first of all - i ll have to find out what goes wrong with the example that you Patrice mentioned - the SVG from the wikipedia.. - which got blue ....
hopefully i get there.
first of all i pick a free map and then i follow all lthe steps