(12-08-2023, 02:34 PM)theycallmejayne Wrote:(10-10-2023, 12:32 AM)Ofnuts Wrote:
- ofn-text-along-path that bends a text along a path, but with many more options than the standard function, in particular to position the text on the path:
- Laterally: Left, Right, Centered, Justified/Filled
- Vertically: baseline, top of letters, middle of letters, etc...
The two scripts are here.
Wow, i shall try this. Are you aware if this works with gimp portable please?
There are at least two Windows Gimp 2.10.36 portable versions. One from "samj" and another from portableapps.com Whichever one you use open Gimp and use Edit -> Preferences -> Folders (expand the list) and in plug-ins it shows the location of your Gimp User Profile path to the plug-ins folder.
In portable apps version it will be drive:\GimpPortable\Data\.gimp\plug-ins
Unfortunately it looks like that folder is not created by this portable version, you need to add the folder yourself.
Once you do that (careful with the spelling) and add your python plugins, start Gimp and they should work.