(12-27-2023, 09:17 AM)pstein Wrote: I clicked on menu
and try to create one with 3000x15000 pixels (see attached snapshot).
Much to my surprise I got a warning popup that gimp will create an image with size of 475 MB.
A simple image with pure white background?
I guess its the uncompressed size (not .png or *.jpg format)
And yes the maximum image size in Preferences is about 128MB
Don't stress about that, GIMP is just telling you some data, personally I did increase this "alert" in the the Preferences to 1/2 GB (soon to be updated to 1GB as I'm working on bigger image), my RAM is 24GB with an old CPU Intel i5-7400 (4 cores) @ 3.500GHz, and all is lightning fast (I'm on Linux)
Those settings you are giving us and the alert you get might go back to an antediluvian age, just confirm YES or OK or/and update your settings like 2/3 of your RAM to be comfy

Ummm.... in fact I just updated it because I got too often this kind of alert recently which was annoying me
