(01-21-2024, 04:25 PM)rinaldop Wrote: Can you show me how to take the original 420 object and shrink it down by 1 pixel each time and pad the open space with a transparent background producing 420 images? Then I can reverse them with this technique.
This is my ultimate goal, 420 times
I have run out of "easy" ideas for Gimp. (needs an expert )
A little modified plugin attached, duplicate-shift.py (zipped, unzip and put in your User plug-ins folder)
It registers in the Tools menu as dupshift
Apply it and it makes a duplicate layer.
Then offsets from the left by a pixel, the same as Layer -> Transform -> Offset
It keeps transparency and the canvas size.
420 layers ??? You will need to repeat the plugin another 419 time

Snags: Since it is an offset you truncate the right side and lose that little end bevel.