(11-03-2017, 05:09 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: If you were compiling a plugin for Gimp 2.8, you would need to install the "development" packages for your dependencies (that would be "libgegl-dev").I installed libgegl-dev package and it didn' help.
So I tryed this:
(11-03-2017, 05:09 PM)rich2005 Wrote: You get this in regular Gimp anyway for JPG if Show preview in image window is enabled. Changing quality and Subsampling gives an estimate of file size. So really save-for-web is not needed.
THANKS, Rich2005!!!
(11-03-2017, 05:31 PM)rich2005 Wrote: Two threads on the same subject - that had me confused.I agree! But on sites (500px etc) I cann not upload photos in webp format. That's problem, I need jpg for web. Thank you for your help, subsampling is great solution
One thing to note with Gimp 2.9.x is it supports webp format
So that image in previous screenshots exported as a '90' (default) quality JPG is 427392B while the 90 quality webp image file is down to 278036B a considerable reduction in size.
Time to move on.