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SOOOOOOOOOOO close in cleaning up an image
hi all,

i am sooooooooooooo close in cleaning up an image.....something minor must be keeping me from moving on. i could please use your help

i'm following this tutorial here.

if you could please watch a few seconds at 9:47....see how is paintbrush is cleaning it up? when i do it, its just painting black on there (my settings for paintbrush are the same as is, i've checked them a million times, and everything up to this point i've matched his results so it has to be something minor) 

i want to throw my computer out the window right now! i'm so close and this is the most important part.

maybe he clicked on something? the problem with tutorials is that if they click without saying they clicked, its impossible to tell ya know?

thank you for your help

bonus question - have you all heard of this dude before? is he good? should i rely on him for future tutorials? he was honest in his tutorial - he said theres a million ways to accomplish this but this method is the most straightforward

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SOOOOOOOOOOO close in cleaning up an image - by 977 - 05-15-2024, 04:28 AM

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