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How can this be an unknown file type?
This does seem to explain my experience and provide some valuable clarification about how plugins work.

I've NOT been aware of the idea that there is a version of the GMIC Plugin for GIMP (GPFG) in a standard installation of GIMP.  I have searched my copied version of the standard "GIMP 2" directory and cannot find anything when searching for "gmic".  I can go back and try that on a freshly installed version but that will take some time.

However, on my portable version of GIMP Version 3.10.36 I tried setting the GIMP2_PLUGINDIR environment variable and noticed something interesting.  When I specify "GIMP2_PLUGINDIR = D:\MyWin\GIMP\GMICplugin\V313" a folder named "D:\MyWin\GIMP\GMICplugin\V313\plug-ins" now appears in "Preferences>Folders>Plugins" (i.e., GIMP appended "plugins" to the name I provided).  My folder named "V313" contains Version 3.1.3 of GPFG with a single sub-folder named "gmic_gimp_qt".  Furthermore, the value for the  environment variable replaced the folder named "D:\MyWin\GIMP\Ver21036\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins" which, I think based on this discussion, is the folder that contains the GIMP builtin plugins.   I can confirm that there are NO entries in the list provided for choosing which format to use when exporting an image file.  My take-away from this is that the environment variable named "GIMP2_PLUGINDIR" is only useful if you want to relocate the standard builtin plugins included in GIMP.

When I add the folder named "D:\MyWin\GIMP\GMICplugin\V313" to Preferences>Folders>Plugins then the GMIC Version 3.1.3 of GPFG appears at the bottom of the Filters menu item.  Note:  The folder named V313 contains only a single sub-folder name "gmic_gimp_qt".  There is no sub-folder named "plugins" to be found anywhere in the path to GPFG.

I also tested the idea of including a sub-folder named "plugins" in the path (i.e., "GIMP2_PLUGINDIR =  D:\MyWin\GIMP\GMICplugin\V313\plugins" to GPFP (i.e., relocate GPFG to  "D:\MyWin\GIMP\GMICplugin\V313\plugins\gmic_gimp_qt") but there was no GPFG to found in the Filters drop down menu.  This leads me to believe that the environment variable named "GIMP2_PLUGINDIR" cannot be used to locate a plugin like GPFG.

Messages In This Thread
How can this be an unknown file type? - by ajax - 06-13-2024, 09:22 PM
RE: How can this be an unknown file type? - by ajax - 06-17-2024, 04:53 PM

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