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Some old pixel art done in GIMP(2019-2020)
So, still no biters then? Maybe i'll just post a few intermediates and screenshots, just to test the waters a bit; you never know who might be interested later on.

...and you never know when my HDD might spontaneously combust?!

So, here you go. Here is one of my early versions of the mirage tile, after i finished the background:


When i started i had a more 2D design for the ruined city. Also the mirage effect more a bit more wavy. Later on i think i messed up a lot of the added detail by making it too busy with my half-baked-mirage-effect-version-2. And then i made the mistake of mixing techniques that didn't really match with the addition of the car caravan and the color-cycled dust cloud. IDK, maybe i'll fix it some day.

Here is another shole.gif, with the other words he likes to say.


The process wasn't exactly simple. Here is an early screenshot showing my bezier lines used to create my base image. Yes, i did trace a reference photo, though the process did not end there.


Here is an animated dithering experiment i made while trying to figure out the background for the covid tile.


I ended up with a lot of problems where the differently dithered sectors in the tile met each other, and I didn't really figure out a good solution, so i ended up with another tile that had some funky spots(maybe i have 3 unfinished tiles).

And here is me using a soccer ball to figure out shading and also the layout of the spike proteins on the phage-body.


Oops! I have reached the maximum number of attachments allowed per post....

Well, maybe i can finish up part 2 here.

On to the Dracula MD tile(you could probably tell i just discovered color-cycling on this one), here is a screenshot showing the sketch-lines for the architecture


And another screenshots for making the cape blow in the wind.


I guess that's it. I didn't really finish the floating Dracula head; the style doesn't match the rest of the tile. There were also some other problem spots the still need touch up, but at this point i'm not sure if i'll ever get around to fixing them, so there it is.

For anyone interested, the kanji is a play on the original Japanese title for 80's video game Castlevania(悪魔城ドラキュラ), so I was thinking 悪魔医大 might roughly translate to something like Castlevania M.D. - it probably sounds stupid to a Japanese person, but the important thing is to always think twice before ever going to the doctor, or maybe things are  better outside the USA? ;P

...the more I look at these tiles the more i find little problems. I'm not sure any of them are finished. Maybe i will fix them some day. Maybe i will make something new. I think that is all for now.

Wait, one more of my little color-cycling template for the sky background. I basically just mirrored, rotated and dragged around the same template to create (not quite)all the cloud effects for all the mirror surfaces.


That's all folks!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Some old pixel art done in GIMP(2019-2020) - by TumbleRocks - 06-17-2024, 09:01 PM

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