06-25-2024, 12:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-25-2024, 12:54 PM by rich2005.
Edit Reason: typo
(06-25-2024, 09:51 AM)berni Wrote: Scripting GEGL seems not to be possible yet, see GEGL issue 6217.- At least, GEGL scripts are not exposed in PDB...
That is correct, you can use a utility script to incorporate the GEGL procedure see: https://www.gimp-forum.net/Thread-Script...operations
Quote:I'm aware of BIMP, but I'd prefere to do scripting... (it's a matter of personal style I guess)
Fair enough, BIMP does give a hint for suitable parameters. As a test
(define (bareBones img drawable) ;image and layer to work on
; wave
(plug-in-waves 0 img drawable 25 0.3 75 1 0)
(gimp-display-new img)
);end of script procedure
(script-fu-register "bareBones"
"<Image>/Script-Fu/bareBones" ;menu item
"an empty script" ;description
"" ;author
"" ;copyright notice
"" ;date
"*";used on an image
SF-IMAGE "Image" 0
SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0