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exporting cage transformation image
(07-29-2024, 04:16 PM)denzjos Wrote: Have you export the transformed picture with a new name or exported with the same name on the same place (folder)? When you export then you get a window the window with folders where you can give you file a (new) name or to use the same name. If you save with the same name a window appear with the question if you want to overwrite the existing file. If your answer is yes, then the original file will be overwrited. No, you can give the file a new name. Then appear a new window with the jpg options : quality, Exif data, etc.. : you have to click on the 'export button' 

Hi denzjos,
     Thanks for your help
Yes, I have renamed it, and it saves the renamed jpg to where I say; but exactly like the original, i.e. round. But I'm now beginning to think that I'm missing a step and not actually tranforming it.
What I have is a fisheye image that I want to make rectangular. So, what I'm doing is tagging four spots on the perimeter of the image (making a rectangle), then draging these spots to their respective corners. After Gimp has done it's thing, and made the image rectangular, I go to the file menu choose 'Export as' renaming it as 'IMG_2811 cage transformation.JPG' choose the drive (an SD card in this case) then click on 'Export'. But when I go to the saved location, the image is identical to what it was originally, i.e. round.
..... john

Messages In This Thread
exporting cage transformation image - by shinnen - 07-29-2024, 03:24 PM
RE: exporting cage transformation image - by shinnen - 07-29-2024, 06:49 PM

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