(09-18-2024, 08:21 AM)PKHG_old Wrote: ....snip....i need some pictures in GIMP with guides, OK, available , but
arakne_guide_lab is (wAS)in my opinion much more comfortabel ;-)
Now on a new pC with W11 and a GIMP installed this years version , I am not able to install it afredh.....snip....
It might just be a Windows 11 thing. I have in my archive what seems to be the Arakne guides lab that was modified into a single plugin with that painting option.
No chance me having a Win 11 VM, so this is a Win10 VM / Gimp 2.10.38 and guidelab_paint.py (file size 78048 B)
Not something I normally use but it adds guides and does save / recover a set. Just in case it is different to your version , guide_paint.py zipped and attached.
edit: Looking in the script, it is version 3.8