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Utube Works Best On Chrome - Is That A Surprise?
We recently lost broadband for a week due to a huge storm that lasted for days. It brought down big trees that took out power lines. Power lines that supply the broadband infrastructure and people's homes. We didn't lose power but had to adapt to no internet for awhile.

When we got internet back I noticed something I had been ignoring for some time. Utube was stopping at higher resolutions and I was having to drop lower, often to 360p or 240p. I was mostly using Firefox from an AppImage. I noticed the ads seem to work just fine. Speedtest seemed normal for us.

I checked Utube with Chrome and so far no slow-downs. It's definitely working better than Firefox with Utube. I'm currently watching Tassie Boys Prospecting because Levi often does 'sniping' in remote and dangerous areas.

Due to Tasmania's bizarre history gold found here by small time prospectors belongs to the King of England. For some reason he never shows-up to collect it.

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Utube Works Best On Chrome - Is That A Surprise? - by Tas_mania - 09-22-2024, 10:23 AM

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