11-25-2024, 09:49 AM
(11-25-2024, 07:42 AM)Tas_mania Wrote:Quote:Not that much AFAIK. I don't see that many "core" developpers;
Maybe not on the GitLab Gimp pages but the build scripts are pulling-in the best software available. Example - the appimage/flatpack build script pulls-in updates from many other sources, even the small program that squashes an appimage gets checked for an update. If you consider the devs on all of the Gimp dependencies it's a lot of people. Old timers like me can't even think like that The 'core' developers are conducting a pretty big orchestra.
Thanks, I can see that would be good like a painters palette. ('palette' that has got to be French :
You don't need to be many people to write such scripts. This is called "DevOps", it is the scripting and automation of all the whole build process so when a developer commits code to the repository, or at regular intervals, you get a runnable program to be put in the hands of the test^H^H^H^Husers immediately (in the old days, even with "makefiles", things were somewhat more manual and you could miss some source code or dependency update. So you get someone to set it up for the project (which is mostly configuring/customizing a ready-made application these days) and when it's done this person can leave and work for another project, or the developer can return writing application code. So it's more an indication of a small team than of a big one.