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Drag and drop layer stopped working
(12-01-2024, 06:59 PM)kyolim Wrote: This is a screen shot at the top center:
Attempting to drag '[Untitled]-3'  to the right tab, fails to duplicate layer in said tab.

You do not drop on the thumbnail...
You need to wait on that tab (yes while holding the drag) until that GIMP shows the image of that tab, then once it shows the image, you continue to drag that layer to drop it on the canvas, exactly how rich2005 did in his video Wink
Depending the size of the image/layer to drop and the resource taken by GIMP (multiple images opened), it might take few seconds to wait on the thumbnail while holding the layer before GIMP shows the image/canvas in question

Messages In This Thread
Drag and drop layer stopped working - by kyolim - 12-01-2024, 06:59 PM
RE: Drag and drop layer stopped working - by PixLab - 12-02-2024, 05:11 AM

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