(12-09-2024, 07:25 PM)Groovy4Gimp Wrote: I saw this question from 2023. The solution was to upgrade to 2.10.36.
I have 2.10.38 and it appears the problem is the same: Export to pdf and BMP (I haven't tried the others so far, but I need pdf) is always blank and 8.5x11, rather than my chosen canvas size.
One attachment shows the thumbnail from the XCF file and the other shows the thumbnail from the pdf.
It does say, click to create preview. Is this not working on your installation?
As a quick test, the same image in Gimp 2.10.38 saved and exported and all needed a click-to-create-preview. This the pdf version.
When it comes to PDF's Gimp is not the greatest. My suggestion is create a "new from visible" layer Drag that into the toolbox for a new single layer image and export that as a PDF. Sometimes makes a slightly smaller file size as well.