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Unable to activate brush in mask
Hi there,
GIMP 2.10.38 as per screenshot [Image: view?utm_content=DAGcrwdDmpQ&utm_campaig...52f549589a] mac monterey 12.7.5. I am trying to paint in the mask in the top layer here, named "CURVE" since I made a curve on the leaves to bring them down. I am trying to select the mask. I am in the brush to feather the selection of the curve area .As I command click in the mask I get a red frame, but it's not that.[Image: view?utm_content=DAGcrwdDmpQ&utm_campaig...52f549589a]
If I control click, edit layer mask is checked, unckecking doesn't change anything.[Image: view?utm_content=DAGc1R4sIJg&utm_campaig...72b1b18b4c]
hardness and force are in the 80s. the bottom prompt shows the paint brush with: "click to paint". I know how to click and paint from the trackpad from
 20 years with the other app. When clicking in the mask, red frame or not, I am always showing a cursor in the circle, with the brush icon outside, so I am on the right track I suppose. Brush still not active.THANKS.

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Unable to activate brush in mask - by blogsofwardotme - Yesterday, 01:56 PM

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