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Does Windows 11 hide its font files?
Ooh, interesting! I went into Open Office and looked at the fonts that it could access. Open Office still shows the Rockwell Nova family that I downloaded yesterday to the fancy new fonts page in Settings. It does not show the Rockwell and Rockwell Bold that I downloaded today and copied into C:\Windows\Fonts.

Open Office and GIMP do seem to be finding their fonts by two different routes. I'm sorry these are so big; I'm still getting used to the Attachments  feature here.



I finally came up with a query that got Google's AI to cough up a halfway reasonable explanation. I typed in "how do windows 11 apps access fonts"


I expect that newer versions of GIMP will access fonts through that "central database" too. I understand that I'm currently running the latest stable release, and I don't much care to upgrade to an unstable one.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Does Windows 11 hide its font files? - by gophersnake - 5 hours ago

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