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AI preliminary design for a better mousetrap
Hi neuro,
I just ignored the Pareidolia (correct spelling) because what I saw was a 'crystal set' or 'crystal radio' that I made when I was about 12.


Mine was a kit and had an ear plug. They had no power source at all. This was before we had black and white TV. The little crystal set gave me a life long love of rock music....and electronics.

Quote:I'm definitely going to have to get out more and next time try throwing stuff at trees ...

Beautifully said. This island is like Oregon or Washington state. It's covered in trees, but the management here see them as a commodity to sell to China. They come back as packaging for consumer products.

Eventually I discovered that trees and humans share a common ancestor. For most people this is 'ho hum' but for me it was life changing. Take plant alkaloids as an example? Tobacco plants use nicotine that tastes bitter to grazing animals. Opium poppies put the animals to sleep and they forget about grazing. Soy plants actually modify the sex hormones of animals so their reproduction starts to malfunction.

But what about coca plants? The poor grazing animal gets so wired it forgets it's a grazing animal and starts robbing convenience stores or stands for election. As you may suspect I've got it all worked out Smile

I believe that everything 'wrong' in life is an opportunity to evolve further. People need to take those opportunities IMHO.

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RE: AI preliminary design for a better mousetrap - by Tas_mania - Yesterday, 06:28 AM

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