6 hours ago
(Yesterday, 07:17 PM)Andrew67 Wrote: Good day my fellow Gimpy's. I have been using Gimp for a while now (7 or so years) but only the basics and what i need to create and paint cars in iRacing. My questions, can you make a smoother curve with more nodes or less?Paths, it depends on what you are trying to create. More nodes give more detail, fewer nodes give a smoother result.
Second question, when move the nodes to create a curve sometimes the line disappears and i get another anchor with 2 nodes splitting out. Its almost like you have to hit that node in the right spot.
I am using GIMP 2.10.38 (revision 1).
All the help i can get will be greatly appreciated.
P.S. Does anyone know of any videos that explain all the tools in Gimp, good videos, not those ones that play music and it`s done in 2 minutes.
Videos : https://nl.daviesmediadesign.com/gimp-tutorials/