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How to combine a video that has green screen with a background image
(Yesterday, 07:06 PM)rich2005 Wrote: Well somebody might come up with a scheme for using Gimp but IMHO

Not really a job for Gimp.  The video you linked is only 13.3 seconds long but it is also 30 frames-per-second which in Gimp gives 399 layers to edit, individually to remove the green background. Add to that, the green is not uniform in colour (more later).

You can use a command line application ffmpeg and convert green to transparency (alpha mask)

ffmpeg -i B9MoCO8.mp4 -vf "chromakey=0x00a300:0.1:0.2" -c copy -c:v png

where 0x00a300 is a green value from the video. That was about a mid-value green but still makes for noticable semi transparency. You need to experiment and try to get a better result. Output is a .mov because .mp4 does not support transparency.

To put that over the static background, use a simple video editor such as Openshot - looks like this. A final edit is a crop - that jpeg image is not a standard video frame size.

example  and it still has the audio.

thanks, gonna try it myself, I need the character to be fully visible like they do in certain tiktok videos so no transparency
downloading Openshot right now and will try it myself

Messages In This Thread
RE: How to combine a video that has green screen with a background image - by mariah701 - Yesterday, 07:34 PM

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