(03-20-2025, 01:05 PM)rich2005 Wrote: Things to check.
What is the color mode of the logo ? Image -> Mode. If it is not RGB make it RGB.
Are you opening the logo over an existing image ? File -> Open as layers or maybe a copy / paste into. What is the color mode of the image, Is it Indexed or Greyscale ? Again change the mode to RGB.
Short explanation. There is coercion, The imported image takes on the property of the base image. Generally, make sure you work in RGB mode.
The color mode is RGB, and I am opening the images as layers.
(03-20-2025, 11:42 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: What are your color management options? Do you get questions about a color profile?
For the distortion, can you post before/after images?
Which color management options do you mean? Where can I find them?
Haven't seen questions regarding color profile.
Here are the before/after images of the distortion:
Here's another example. I import the file with the golden letters, but it comes up with the red letters: