(03-27-2025, 01:38 AM)rdoty Wrote: Should I delete and reload ver 3.0 or is there some obscure setting that I'm missing?
No. Reinstalling software because you can not get something to work is a peculiar Microsoft Windows thing.

Colour select, for the image posted white cup on white background will never work, even with a threshold of zero. You can see the threshold effect by enabling that little Draw Mask check box.
Using paths is by far the best method which works whatever the background. I know you have done this before but:
1) Make sure you have an alpha channel. Layer -> Transparency -> Add Alpha Channel ( greyed out - already exists)
2) Choose the path.
3) Select -> From Path.
4) Invert the selection if required. Select -> Invert
5) Cut the selection Edit -> Cut ( or ctrl-x )
6) Kill the selectoion Select -> None
50 second animation on that https://i.imgur.com/lYkbo3U.mp4