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round particles pattern
My take, which is, roughly,  1) produce nicely aligned spots, and 2) stir.

  1. create a 5x5 image with a 3x3 red circle on a black background, and copy to the clipboard
  2. create target image, fill layer with "clipboard' pattern, which shoukld give you regularly spaced red dots.
  3. create two layers; on each:
    1. Filters>Render>Clouds>Solid noise, and use a fairly small details size (X&Y sliders fully to the right). For the second layer, use a new seed to make it different from the first
    2. Randomize the result a bit (I use "Curves"' with a big sine curve (4 wavelenghts across the width)
    3. Filter>Blur>Pixelize and use the size of the red dot pattern
  4. Filters>Map>Displace map on the "dots" layer, using the other two for X and Y displacement (2px for the pattern size I used)

With attached XCF.GZ, and the Curves setting I used to randomize the SolidNoise output (add at the end of your .gimp-2.8/tool-options/gimp-curves-tool.settings)

Attached Files
.gz   RandomDots.xcf.gz (Size: 147.48 KB / Downloads: 234)
.txt   Randomize4Bands.txt (Size: 13.65 KB / Downloads: 258)

Messages In This Thread
round particles pattern - by Espermaschine - 12-12-2017, 11:17 AM
RE: round particles pattern - by rich2005 - 12-12-2017, 04:57 PM
RE: round particles pattern - by Espermaschine - 12-12-2017, 05:09 PM
RE: round particles pattern - by Ofnuts - 12-12-2017, 09:23 PM
RE: round particles pattern - by Espermaschine - 12-12-2017, 09:27 PM

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