Thank you for telling me the mistakes. I will be mindful of it next time, I did not know that rule.
The Logo is simple. 20 easy steps. Open Gimp -
The Logo is simple. 20 easy steps. Open Gimp -
- Create transparent layer.
- Write GP in text tool with font of your choice (Black color - it is important).
- Turn font layer into a normal Layer and rename layer to "GP" (you can turn it by using scale tool, just click once on the font and click transform without scaling) - (once finished you can alter the text a bit to style it - I did by elongating the bottom line of 'G' to match 'P').
- Move the font GP to position of your liking on Layer & use Shear tool to give it slight angle then right click on layer & click - layer to image size.
- Create Border around the Layer (Black).
- Create New Layer & rename to "Gradient 1".
- Go to "GP" Layer - select GP & border using Color selection tool (hold shift and click on both) .
- Highlight the "Gradient 1" layer & fill with gradient of your choice.
- Create a new text layer writing Gimp 2.10 and use same method mentioned above to turn font layer to normal layer.
- Rename Layer to "Gimp", position the text to bottom then right click on layer & click - layer to image size.
- Create New Layer & rename to "Gradient 2".
- Go to Layer "Gimp" & select the text using color selection tool.
- Highlight the "Gradient 2" layer & fill with gradient of your choice.
- Hide all Layer except "Gradient 1" & "Gradient 2".
- Right click top layer and click New from visible & rename to "Logo".
- Hide "Gradient 1" & "Gradient 2".
- Create new layer, rename to background, fill with white & place under the "Logo" layer.
- Duplicate layer "Logo".
- Place "Logo-Copy" between "Logo" & "Background".
- Use Gaussian Blur on "Logo-Copy" to your liking & turn down the opacity.