(03-31-2018, 09:55 AM)rich2005 Wrote: Another day, another versionI do not know if you looked at that little video, it has zero views.
However, still do not know your full story. Center of the layer depends if the layer is the same size as the canvas or if the layer is perhaps smaller.
Same size as the canvas.
Easy, set up 50% guides Image -> Guides -> New Guide (by percent)
Then with View -> Snap to Guides on and elliptical selection (expand from center/fixed aspect ratio 1:1) click on the intersection of the guides and pull out the circular selection.
Layer smaller than canvas
Make a selection (somehow) of the layer. I use the fuzzy select with maximum (255) threshold for this. Use whatever you want.
With elliptical selection tool (expand from center/fixed aspect ratio 1:1) click in the layer. The elliptical selection fills the layer, click and drag a handle and the selection becomes circular, centered in the layer.
Another video for you to (hopefully) watch showing the above.
https://youtu.be/5XcZ3YmqJFI this 3 minutes.
Edit much later: Just wondering if it is a language issue. Expand from center does not mean center of layer. It is the center of the ellipse, the first point you click on.
Thank you. I did watch. But after rewatch it, it still says it has zero views.