04-09-2018, 10:27 PM
Ive been playing with the path tool over the last few days, and was feeling fairly confident in its use. Abstract curvey shape creation..check! Then I hit a wall of frustation when I tried to manipulate the shapes. Flipping them just kept cutting parts of the image out.
I was going to post a general distress message and whilst running through the process I was using...
It just clicked that the option I need appears in the Tool Options itself. Select the paths.. and were off! Thats what I wanted it to do 4 hours ago! Flip, rotate, reshape.
Elation! More things to play with!
Feeling smug. And it only took 4 hours of puzzled muttering.
I was going to post a general distress message and whilst running through the process I was using...
It just clicked that the option I need appears in the Tool Options itself. Select the paths.. and were off! Thats what I wanted it to do 4 hours ago! Flip, rotate, reshape.
Elation! More things to play with!
Feeling smug. And it only took 4 hours of puzzled muttering.