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2D picture with relief: how to select deep ends?
Hail all:

I have a 2D picture with relief (see photo), I am trying to select the whole carved out part, no luck.

Tried to enhance the edges (sharpen and High Pass) to bring out the edges, retry ... nothing.
The sharpened picture then, I too though the Photocopy, hoping to get a clean edge around ... no ball.
Black and white, and combinations of the above steps, none succeed.

Been looking in Google for a solution, though, no luck there either.

Tried alternative search engines (Yahoo for one), nope no luck.

Is there anyone here that can help me, please?

Thank you.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
I assume you mean all the purple parts is what you want selected? Since much of the purple at the edges is the same colour as the background you may have no other recourse than to select it manually. I wouldn't use the scissors select but most other select tools should do it.

EDIT:- Or if it is just the centre you want (the outer circle & triangle inwards) You could - select the circle (with the ellipse select) near the triangle points, select to path, edit the path to add the triangle points then path to selection, invert your selection and delete.

No, Sir, the deeper grooves.
Idea is to have the photo as PNG, blown up in higher resolution, delete those grooves, so I can fill them in with neon lines for effect (someone asked me to do this).
It is easier to select the deleted empty spots to add the neon effect, than to overlay them, since that would take far too much time in my far too short days to manually do this a piece at a time ... .

Thank you.
The sign is not symmetrical but I made a rough sketch with paths anyway. Use 'Script-Fu / Shape Paths / Circle (Polygon, Star)'. You can further finish the paths (cut out pieces and add lines). Finally, you can apply a neon effect to the paths. To make the paths fit with the sketch, use 'Tools / Transform Tools' and untick 'aspect ratio' and 'around center'

.xcf   sign.xcf (Size: 1.16 MB / Downloads: 163)
Quote:...Idea is to have the photo as PNG, blown up in higher resolution, delete those grooves, so I can fill them in with neon lines for effect...

Trying to take shortcuts, which in the end just wasted time. Much the same as denzjos used paths but I traced what I think are the "deeper grooves"  

Attached a Gimp .xcf.gz If you keep as a Gimp file you can scale and the paths scale in keeping. Maybe you can use it.
To delete the grooves, stroke the path with the erase tool (obviously set a brush size as well)

Pulled out Ofnuts neon path plugin for this Wink


Attached Files
.gz   Krath.xcf.gz (Size: 717.84 KB / Downloads: 126)
AH, thank you VERY much!!!!
Now, how did you do this, please?
If I get me another one, I would love to do this myself ... Smile
This is tracing the design using paths. A bit on the long side, 9 minutes but nothing like other y-t makers.

For a neon type effect, Ofnuts plugin is in  dated 2016-11-09  Not shown in the video or try this one see:

Edit: Forgot to mention:
In the view menu turn snap-to-guides off.
Make a mistake, ctrl-z (undo) is your friend, true for all the tools but especially paths.
(06-29-2022, 11:05 AM)rich2005 Wrote: This is tracing the design using paths. A bit on the long side, 9 minutes ...
Nah, Sir, 9'00" is nothing. XD
I see videos of 3 hours. Wink
Though, admittedly, I do take the needed potty breaks. XD

(06-29-2022, 11:05 AM)rich2005 Wrote:

Thank you, Sir!

(06-29-2022, 11:05 AM)rich2005 Wrote: Edit: Forgot to mention:
In the view menu turn snap-to-guides off.
Make a mistake, ctrl-z (undo) is your friend, true for all the tools but especially paths.
Never have that on, good Sir.
Thank you! Smile
(06-29-2022, 11:05 AM)rich2005 Wrote: This is tracing the design using paths. A bit on the long side, 9 minutes but nothing like other y-t makers.

For a neon type effect, Ofnuts plugin is in  dated 2016-11-09  Not shown in the video or try this one see:

Edit: Forgot to mention:
In the view menu turn snap-to-guides off.
Make a mistake, ctrl-z (undo) is your friend, true for all the tools but especially paths.

neon-path has been supersesed by ofn-gradient-along-path Smile
(06-30-2022, 09:24 AM)Ofnuts Wrote: neon-path has been supersesed by ofn-gradient-along-path Smile
Qeae? (Latin for "what?"
Please elaborate?

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