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Any Idea how to only select the background of the fence? Would like to make it transp
Bit of an unusual request, normally it is the grill to remove. A selection will be very difficult, a better way, perhaps, delete the whole area and recreate the grill.

Might go like this.
New layer, Filters -> Render -> Pattern -> Grid set spacing / size / colour / opacity to suit. screenshots:
Deform the grid layer to fit the image: Unified Transform is good for this but you could use Rotate then Perspective Transform. Not easy, take your time.
Move the grid layer under. Add a layer mask Layer -> Mask -> Add layer Mask (white) Select area and fill in the layer mask.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Any Idea how to only select the background of the fence? Would like to make it transp - by rich2005 - 08-29-2020, 10:25 AM

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