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A version of GIMP focused on painting and drawing called Artbox, using the latest GIMP code with new features added. An AppImage is also available for Linux systems. It is improved to work better on 4K screens and it includes plug-ins Almost Autosave and Incremental Saving amongst others. Custom made themes replace the default GIMP themes.

Created because it is enjoyable to make your own stuff and shared because that's what FOSS is about.
I've used it every day for months, so it is a well tested but not perfect, more insights and feedback are welcome. It's an ongoing project.

Visit the Artbox site for more information,
The official AppImages are here:

All the best with what you are doing with Artbox.
(Yesterday, 08:23 PM)Tas_mania Wrote: The official AppImages are here:

What a monster. File size shows here as 500 MB - I wonder why ?

EDIT: A quick unpack, Contains all the debug files , .h header files .... Maybe wait for version 2 to come along.
I also wondered why.

It seems that it is designed like this to make debug reports more effective. Based on the advice given, it might be possible to make it smaller with a simple change. However, the idea of better bug reports sounds good to me.

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