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David Hill effect
A script that emulate the David Hill effect on images can be found on (tested on windows 10 / gimp 2.10.14):


This kind of error has been a constant lately.
Using the Samj's portable version 2.10.12.
   National Geographic Warning
Error while executing elsamuko-national-geographic:

Error: (: 1) eval: unbound variable: ADDITION-MODE

   GIMP Warning
'National Geographic' plug-in left image undo in inconsistent state, closing open undo groups.
Try to run Samj's version with --pdb-compat-mode=on. It seems to have it off by default.
Gimp 2.10.12 might be the problem, looks to me that 2.10.14 has come some way implementing better backward compatibility.

I have an updated national-geographic script in the archive. This a try out in samj portable 2.10.13 (sorry no 2.10.12) Seems to work ok. In the Filters -> Generic menu

...and throw in another to try out. A script that uses the gmic_gimp plugin.  Beware, this one is very slow. Looks like it has crashed and it will crash if you start clicking-here-and-there. Leave it and you get there eventually. In the Filters -> Artistic menu

Have to confess I like Dave Hill's  work, if you look at the originals difficult to reproduce with a script. They were all about physical lighting. bursts of photographs and lots of processing to get that HDR effect.

The two scripts elsamuko-national-geographic-2-10.scm  and hillustrative-gmic-qt-210.scm zipped and attached.
(edit: ng script updated)

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 4.11 KB / Downloads: 267)
(01-31-2020, 07:27 AM)Ofnuts Wrote: Try to run Samj's version with --pdb-compat-mode=on. It seems to have it off by default.

I have no idea how to do this. It looks like a command statement. You could give me the steps in detail, I am admittedly noob in that respect. Huh

Rich2005, I downloaded the .zip I hope it works. But I remember that you had previously made available a hillustrative-GMIC-QT-K.scm version
But, voilà, I will do the tests.
Rich2005, I tested the .zip's scripts from the previous post.

The hillustrative-gmic-qt-210 ran ok, I could compare it with the hillustrative-GMIC-QT-K version, and I confess that the K version is my favorite :-)

I got the same error from elsamuko-national-geographic-2-10 as before
"  National Geographic Warning
Error while executing elsamuko-national-geographic:

Error: ( : 1) eval: unbound variable: ADDITION-MODE

 GIMP Warning
Plug-in 'National Geographic' left image undo in inconsistent state, closing open undo groups."

(01-31-2020, 02:43 PM)Krikor Wrote:
(01-31-2020, 07:27 AM)Ofnuts Wrote: Try to run Samj's version with --pdb-compat-mode=on. It seems to have it off by default.

I have no idea how to do this. It looks like a command statement. You could give me the steps in detail, I am admittedly noob in that respect. Huh

Rich2005, I downloaded the .zip I hope it works. But I remember that you had previously made available a hillustrative-GMIC-QT-K.scm version
But, voilà, I will do the tests.

You edit the shortcut that starts Gimp. Somewhere there is an input field, likely named "Command", and you add a space and --pdb-compat-mode=on at the end.
(01-31-2020, 03:59 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: You edit the shortcut that starts Gimp. Somewhere there is an input field, likely named "Command", and you add a space and --pdb-compat-mode=on at the end.

I tried based on the post

But ...

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
What you referred to, is based on a regular Gimp installation, although a partha variant, still a regular installation.

The problem is: 
samj Gimp 2.10.x portable is what it says, "portable", so you are using not a regular gimp shortcut but a small launcher binary program. You need this to set various environmental variables for the portable version to operate.


That does not pass the gimp switches the same as a regular.....gimp-2.10.exe you find in a permanent installation.
ok, found a samj gimp 2.10.12 v2 portable in my archive. Installed only 27000-ish files Wink

AFAIK both those scripts work. If they fail then it is possible the recent Win10 update which seems to have caused many problems.

This the national-geographic:

This the hillstrative-gmic: You can tweak that a little using the layer mode.
edit: just a reminder to be patient. That took 1 min 35 sec to render that small image. For some reason gmic simplecontrast filter is very slow.

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