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Different margin left and right
I'm trying to print an image with a white turn, I can't seem to have the same margin on the right as on the left
I simulated an image which seems to me centered (I am not a specialist in Gimp), when I print, I have 1cm on the left and 1.4cm on the right.
I print on a Brother, I have tried everything, I can't seem to have the same margin on the right and on the left. In the aut and downstairs it's perfect.
Do you have an idea
i m on gimp 2.10

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.xcf   utilitaire-pecheur-marge.xcf (Size: 1.9 MB / Downloads: 460)
No replies? Where are the Windows users ?  Printing from Gimp in Windows has been a problem for years. If you can create the image in Gimp, export the image and use some other application for printing, it is often the best solution.

However some points

The print resolution of your Gimp .xcf is strange. It is the correct proportions for A4 landscape but a tiny print resolution gives the appearance of a massive paper size: 
My advice is use Image -> Print Size Multiply the resolution x100 (3.325 ppi -> 325.5 ppi) This does not affect the image in any way, just the size information sent to the printer.


Check both File -> Page Setup and Print dialogues for margin settings If there is a larger right side margin change it.  There is a check box in (2) for ignore page margins. Mostly hidden in the black Gimp theme. Charge the Gimp theme to 'system' to see it. Enable it.


If possible, set up for borderless printing. There is still a 3 mm margin. Your A4 page is scaled to fit. You can crop that 3mm off to make the image fit without scaling.

I ll try that to morrow

Thanks for your help

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