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Getting emotional with my favorite brand of machines

Actually trying my hand with Darktable. Just discovered that it can export directly to XCF 32-bit FP format.

Most of the work (exposure/tone/perspective) done in DT. Gimp used to lighten up the red dot (which could possibly be done in DT once I know it better) and clean out a few dust specks.
Nice done, I immediately thought of a Money Mark song : Push The Button  Big Grin
(4 hours ago)denzjos Wrote: Nice done, I immediately thought of a Money Mark song : Push The Button  Big Grin

Quite satisfied with the button actually. Because the button is a LED (slowly pulsating when the PC is in sleep mode) but it was off when the picture was taken. Fortunately, since DT can export the image in high precision XCF format, I could boost its luminosity in Gimp without side effects.

The initial picture is a bit noisy (ISO3200) but the noise adds some texture to the black, so I left it in.

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