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Help with Curved Text
I found instructions for curving text and followed them to the letter and didn't get the results that was expected. Here is the URL where I 
was at:

Here are the steps I took.
1. I opened a blank ribbon banner in which I wanted to put the curved text.
2. I created a new path by clicking on the Paths Tool, entering both beginning and ending points.
3. I created a new layer and named it "Curved Text". I looked and it didn't show up where your "It's Foss Curved Text Tutorial" appeared above "Background" on the right side of the screen. In fact, nothing showed up.
4. I clicked on the text icon and adjusted the text size to 120 from 62 (or something) and clicked onto where I wanted the text to begin, which was the same place I had already clicked on in order to get that little pop-up box to come up. I then typed in my wanted text.
5. With the supposed layer still open, I right-clicked on the text and selected "Text Along Path". It created a new, curved text in hollow letters ABOVE my text. So, it didn't merge. Perhaps it was because Gimp didn't create a "Curved Text" layer above my "Unnamed" o the right side of the screen.
6. I actually moved my original text so that I could click on the new text and right-clicked on that, but there was no "Path to Selection" option.
7. I kept messing around, trying different things and suddenly I noticed there was a "Path" layer directly above "Unnamed" with the eye next to it. But there was also a second layer named "Path #1" above the layer "Path". I have no idea how that happened.
8. I decided to move on anyway with the eye still on the "Path" layer, which was my original new layer (I supposed, although it didn't have the name I gave it).
9. I selected the Bucket Fill tool, kept the color at black, clicked in the area of where the new hollow text was, and nothing happened.
10. I just now, for reasons I can't tell you because I do not know, I clicked in the original black text I put in, in step #4 above. Everything but the inside of the letters "A" and "D" turned black! So, SOMETHING worked, just not the way I expected.

So, That's where I'm at. I'm trying to make a logo for a friend's sewing school in Africa, going in places in Gimp where I've never been before, but at least I actually followed instructions. And, YES, I'm a male. LOL Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have included a photo. Thanks.

P.S. The larger ribbon behind the one with the new curved text in it was the original ribbon. The one with the text in it is a picture of the results I got from the above steps, which I just copied over the top of the original one. It took me a minute to figure that out. It's 4:50 a.m. and I think I'm a little tired. LOL

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
You are mostly correct with your work flow so just a few suggestions

The original text does not need to be in the same place as the curved text, in fact better if it is lined up vertically but horizontally under the banner. Use guides as an indication of position.

Use the banner edge to make the path. The path is a center line. Move the deformed text path afterwards.

Make the path just a little longer than the original text to allow for curvature. But not too much the deformed text will start at the beginning of the path.

Be aware of the active layer. You need the text layer active to apply Layer > Text along path but once in position a different layer for filling the deformed text path.

Many of the tools have different modes, Use the Move tool in paths mode (right side icon of the three) Toggle Move the active path to make it easier for yourself to move the correct path.

Once in position the text path is filled with Edit > Fill path no need to make it a selection and bucket fill.

I can just get that into a minute for imgur. A bit quick but the above as an animation.
Do not worry about the Gimp layout, just to show layers and paths at the same time.
(03-21-2022, 02:23 PM)rich2005 Wrote: You are mostly correct with your work flow so just a few suggestions

(03-22-2022, 04:49 AM)CrisMO47Thank you, Rich, for your reply and for the gif. I\ll do my best to try and follow what you created, although it Wrote:
(03-21-2022, 02:23 PM)rich2005 Wrote: You are mostly correct with your work flow so just a few suggestions

The original text does not need to be in the same place as the curved text, in fact better if it is lined up vertically but horizontally under the banner.  Use guides as an indication of position.

Use the banner edge to make the path. The path is a center line. Move the deformed text path afterwards.

Make the path just a little longer than the original text to allow for curvature. But not too much the deformed text will start at the beginning of the path.

Be aware of the  active layer. You need the text layer active to apply Layer > Text along path but once in position a different layer for filling the deformed text path.

Many of the tools have different modes, Use the Move tool in paths mode (right side icon of the three) Toggle Move the active path to make it easier for yourself to move the correct path.

Once in position the text path is filled with Edit > Fill path  no need to make it a selection and bucket fill.

I can just get that into a minute for imgur. A bit quick but the above as an animation.
Do not worry about the Gimp layout, just to show layers and paths at the same time.

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