I have a fully functional gimp - PandaJim 2.10.38 running on Ubuntu 20.04 with Python 2.7 and G'mic.
But I can find no evidence of an Appimage loader and my .desktop file points directly at gimp 2.10.
The .desktop file is attached.
The reason I enquire is because I am considering putting a second SSD in my laptop and then trying to achieve the same result with Ubuntu 22.04 or even 24.04.
What you install from PandaJim is a .DEB package, so you get regular binaries, not an AppImage or flatpack/snap.
IIRC on 22.04 there is still a python package in the repos so you could still have Python support, but AFAIK it's gone in 24.04. On the other hand I was able to transplant the Python 2.7 binaries & libs from my 22.04 to my 24.04 so I still have a Gimp 2.10.34+Python in 24.04.
For another app I was able to use the .DEBs directly from the Debian repos.
(12-27-2024, 09:48 AM)david Wrote: ...snip...
The reason I enquire is because I am considering putting a second SSD in my laptop and then trying to achieve the same result with Ubuntu 22.04 or even 24.04.
I have both (k)ubuntu 22.04 (older laptop) and (k)ubuntu 24.04 (newer laptop) and Gimp 2.10.38 installed from the Panda Jim PPA. There is no python 2.7 with these versions, but there are other reasons for using the PPA - printing / scanning needs a regular install.
12-27-2024, 12:54 PM (This post was last modified: 12-27-2024, 12:56 PM by rich2005.)
Panda Jim PPA is not an appimage, it is a regular repository install (provided the PPA is added to the sources list). If you have synaptic installed you can see it there.
The big diiference is ubuntu 20.04 comes with the gimp-python 2.7 package. Ubuntu 22.04/24.04 do not that package. Python 2.7 is deprecated replaced with python 3.x