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Shrink Image without Loss of Quality
Hi everyone! I have a pretty big image (it's a logo) and its dimensions are 6900x2500. I am trying to shrink it down to a width of about 500 but it always comes out pixelated. Is there anyway to shrink this image without losing quality? Thank you very much!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
This is due to spatial frequency folding. The cure is to blur the image before you scale down, to remove the details that would be frequency-folded but wouldn't be visible in the scaled-down image anyway. Blur how much, you will ask... by the scaling ratio: 6900/500 in your case. You don't even need to compute this on the side, open Filter>Blur>Gaussian blue and enter 6900/500 in the Blur radius fields (should yield 13.8).




This said, this logo likely exists as a vector image (.ai, .svg) and scaling it as a vector image (Inkscape, Illustrator) would yield perfect results.
Yeah, as a SVG. Partly redrawn, partly converted from the bitmap. If I could find the fonts easily, I would have replaced the text as well.

The horizontal white stripes suffer when downscaling so made them a little wider and moved a little.

Open an svg in Gimp like this:

[Image: 72PT9d7.jpg]

and I would keep the depth to 200 pix if possible. Smaller and you will have to repaint those white lines.


Attached Files
.svg   LogoLarge.svg (Size: 7.44 KB / Downloads: 195)
Ofnuts, thank you very much!!!

Rich 2005, thank you! Great response, I really appreciate it. Especially because I couldn't find anything online or in the forums!

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