10-30-2021, 11:20 AM
(10-30-2021, 10:55 AM)PixLab Wrote: Hi Laura,
It looks like it's something like a decade you did not used GIMP, as with few searches it seems that "Impressionist.8bf" is a very old 32 bit filter, nowadays, (and your latest laptop as well) we are on 64 bit machines/OS.
I found a hint which might help about this filter (you might want to try it) it's a 10y-o post ➤ http://gimpchat.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2751&start=0 look for the third post (#3)
As for the PS filters in general, they were placed in something alike C:\.....\GIMP\2.0\ long ago, but now with GIMP 2.10 it would look like more as C:\.....\GIMP\2.10\ (note the 2.10 not anymore 2.0)
you can find the exact path for your plugins by opening GIMP then Edit ➤ Preferences a window opens scrolldown the left side to folders and click on one of those folders to see the path on the right side.
(I'm on Linux so I cannot show you a windows type path, but I'm sure @rich2005 will be able to help you)
Dear PixLab,
Yes, it's indeed so that I have used GIMP a decade ago. I will look into this and see what will happen. It's actually a long time that I am not doing much 2D and more learning 3D. But postwork is much needed on renders to hide some problems, etc. Also sometimes there are fireflies and marks on renders and in GIMP it can be taken out and other nice tools to make renders better or stitch parts of renders together. The filters are great for some extra effects as this Impressionist, etc.