10 hours ago
I developed this script:
(define (script-fu-red-rectangle-with-borders)
(let* (
(width 640)
(height 400)
(rect-width 625)
(rect-height 385)
(border-size 19)
(black-border 5)
(image (car (gimp-image-new width height RGB)))
(bg-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Background" 100 NORMAL)))
(rect-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Red Rectangle" 100 NORMAL)))
(border-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "White Border" 100 NORMAL)))
(black-border-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Black Border" 100 NORMAL)))
;; Add layers to image
(gimp-image-insert-layer image bg-layer 0 -1)
(gimp-image-insert-layer image rect-layer 0 -1)
(gimp-image-insert-layer image border-layer 0 -1)
(gimp-image-insert-layer image black-border-layer 0 -1)
;; Set transparency background
(gimp-context-set-background '(0 0 0 0))
(gimp-drawable-fill bg-layer TRANSPARENT-FILL)
;; Select centered rectangle
(gimp-rect-select image
(/ (- width rect-width) 2) ;; X Position
(/ (- height rect-height) 2) ;; Y Position
rect-width rect-height
;; Fill rectangle with mesh pattern
(gimp-context-set-pattern "Mesh") ;; Ensure GIMP has a mesh pattern
(gimp-edit-bucket-fill rect-layer PATTERN-FILL NORMAL 100 0 FALSE 0 0)
;; Stroke red border
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 0 0)) ;; Set color to red
(gimp-edit-stroke rect-layer)
;; Expand selection for white border
(gimp-selection-border image border-size)
;; Fill border with white
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 255 255)) ;; White color
(gimp-edit-bucket-fill border-layer FG-BUCKET-FILL NORMAL 100 0 FALSE 0 0)
;; Deselect
(gimp-selection-none image)
;; Select entire canvas for black border
(gimp-selection-all image)
;; Stroke black border
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) ;; Black color
(gimp-edit-stroke black-border-layer)
;; Display image
(gimp-display-new image)
(gimp-image-undo-group-end image)
;; Register the script in GIMP
"script-fu-red-rectangle-with-borders" ;; Internal script name
"Red Rectangle with Borders" ;; Menu name (what you see in GIMP)
"Creates a red rectangle with a mesh pattern and white/black borders"
"Your Name"
"Your Name"
"script-fu-red-rectangle-with-borders") ;; Function to execute
and have tried several ways to use it.
First I saved it in:
I tried filters -> Script-FU -> Refresh Script and clicked on filters -> Script-FU and the file wasn't there. I closed Gimp and reopened it.
Then I I looked in help -> Plug-in browser and couldn't find it there.
I looked in all of the menus since I read that the scm file could be anywhere but no luck.
So I saved it in downloads and moved it to this path:
C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts\red-rectangle-with-borders.scm
I did the same things that I did when I saved it in the roaming folder and still no luck.
Would someone be gracious enough to show me what I did wrong? Thanks
(define (script-fu-red-rectangle-with-borders)
(let* (
(width 640)
(height 400)
(rect-width 625)
(rect-height 385)
(border-size 19)
(black-border 5)
(image (car (gimp-image-new width height RGB)))
(bg-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Background" 100 NORMAL)))
(rect-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Red Rectangle" 100 NORMAL)))
(border-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "White Border" 100 NORMAL)))
(black-border-layer (car (gimp-layer-new image width height RGBA-IMAGE "Black Border" 100 NORMAL)))
;; Add layers to image
(gimp-image-insert-layer image bg-layer 0 -1)
(gimp-image-insert-layer image rect-layer 0 -1)
(gimp-image-insert-layer image border-layer 0 -1)
(gimp-image-insert-layer image black-border-layer 0 -1)
;; Set transparency background
(gimp-context-set-background '(0 0 0 0))
(gimp-drawable-fill bg-layer TRANSPARENT-FILL)
;; Select centered rectangle
(gimp-rect-select image
(/ (- width rect-width) 2) ;; X Position
(/ (- height rect-height) 2) ;; Y Position
rect-width rect-height
;; Fill rectangle with mesh pattern
(gimp-context-set-pattern "Mesh") ;; Ensure GIMP has a mesh pattern
(gimp-edit-bucket-fill rect-layer PATTERN-FILL NORMAL 100 0 FALSE 0 0)
;; Stroke red border
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 0 0)) ;; Set color to red
(gimp-edit-stroke rect-layer)
;; Expand selection for white border
(gimp-selection-border image border-size)
;; Fill border with white
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(255 255 255)) ;; White color
(gimp-edit-bucket-fill border-layer FG-BUCKET-FILL NORMAL 100 0 FALSE 0 0)
;; Deselect
(gimp-selection-none image)
;; Select entire canvas for black border
(gimp-selection-all image)
;; Stroke black border
(gimp-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) ;; Black color
(gimp-edit-stroke black-border-layer)
;; Display image
(gimp-display-new image)
(gimp-image-undo-group-end image)
;; Register the script in GIMP
"script-fu-red-rectangle-with-borders" ;; Internal script name
"Red Rectangle with Borders" ;; Menu name (what you see in GIMP)
"Creates a red rectangle with a mesh pattern and white/black borders"
"Your Name"
"Your Name"
"script-fu-red-rectangle-with-borders") ;; Function to execute
and have tried several ways to use it.
First I saved it in:
I tried filters -> Script-FU -> Refresh Script and clicked on filters -> Script-FU and the file wasn't there. I closed Gimp and reopened it.
Then I I looked in help -> Plug-in browser and couldn't find it there.
I looked in all of the menus since I read that the scm file could be anywhere but no luck.
So I saved it in downloads and moved it to this path:
C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts\red-rectangle-with-borders.scm
I did the same things that I did when I saved it in the roaming folder and still no luck.
Would someone be gracious enough to show me what I did wrong? Thanks