I worked it on these lines:
1. start from 2 layers (background and text) and two separated paths for big/small text (borrowed from another proyect)
2. new transparent layer below the text layer -> fill with black the big text path -> Filters -> Light and Shadow -> Long Shadow, Style = Finite, Angle = 90, Color = Black, and play with Length until it looks right
3. repeat for the small text, but in Filters, instead to 'Repeat Long Shadow', 'Re-show Long Shadow', go to Presets and click on the arrow on right: the first item stores your setting for pass 1; select it and decrease Length to about half:
result is the picture above.
4. Zooming on it, one sees that the fine lines have left gaps in the black: simply duplicating the layer in 3 mends it some
5. A simple example of Long Shadow, Style = Fading
with the shadow layer in mode 'linear burn' and the Long Shadow made from a layer with both texts at once: the fading masks the queer effect one sees here
which shows also some queernes due to very fine vertical stroke in "5th"
6. Instead, one can change also the angle for each text shadow
and color it with a gradient, after having toggled 'Lock alpha channel'.
Here, an added layer on top from 'copy visible', in mode 'soft light', not only improves the colors, but mends the previous point.
7. Of course, instead of working with text from paths, one can begin from an actual text layer, or any other shape on a transparent background, but although there is an option to add the shadow to the layer, in my opinion, it works poorly for text: the edge between text and shadow loses sharpness, so it 's better to make a copy, put it below the original, and apply Long Shadow with the option Composition: Only Shadow, in whatever color.

Note for the board: Why isn't webp supported?
I made a trial with my fourth attachment, exporting to different formats:
jpg -- 28kb -- poor quality
indexed png -- 21kb -- good quality
lossless png -- 170kb -- very good quality
webp -- 16kb -- good quality
so, I uploaded everything as indexed png, because the server insisted on zipping webp...