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What will be an easy way converting digitized negative images to positive images?
(10-26-2024, 09:22 AM)rich2005 Wrote: Have you tried the GEGL Negative Darkroom.  Tools -> GEGL Operation -> Negative Darkroom (in the drop down menu)

This a very quick photo, just made against a window, so a bit on the dark side.  Split view, negative is on the right side.
Hi rich2005,

Thanks for your advice.

My problem here is unable to resize the popup window of "Negative Darkroom".  I can't see the bottom tabs on the popup window.


(10-28-2024, 05:33 AM)Krikor Wrote:
(10-28-2024, 05:27 AM)Stephen Liu Wrote:
(10-26-2024, 11:47 AM)denzjos Wrote: Used a negative from alexburkephoto and tried this :
- negative as layer
- Colours / Invert
- Colours /  Levels / Auto Input Levels
Hi debzjos,

Thanks for your advice.

It seems no action here after selecting; - Colours /  Levels / Auto Input Levels

Please refers to the screenshot attached here.  Thanks


Just in case.

First you invert the image:

1- Colors - Invert;

Only then do you apply:

2- Levels - Auto Input - Levels
Hi Krikor,

That was what I just did a few minutes ago

(10-28-2024, 05:27 AM)Stephen Liu Wrote:
(10-26-2024, 11:47 AM)denzjos Wrote: Used a negative from alexburkephoto and tried this :
- negative as layer
- Colours / Invert
- Colours /  Levels / Auto Input Levels
Hi debzjos,

Thanks for your advice.

It seems no action here after selecting; - Colours /  Levels / Auto Input Levels

Please refers to the screenshot attached here.  Thanks

Can you post this negative so I can work with it?
Stephen, you are a very difficult person to advise, however in the spirit of the forum.

(10-28-2024, 05:43 AM)Stephen Liu Wrote: My problem here is unable to resize the popup window of "Negative Darkroom".  I can't see the bottom tabs on the popup window.

It is broken on your installation, nothing I can do about it.

Quote:It seems no action here after selecting; - Colours /  Levels / Auto Input Levels
Please refers to the screenshot attached here. 

You get a washed-out image and Auto Input levels does nothing ? Then it is the original negative  and you really need to post a representative image. Did not work last time, if they are large file size, more than 500 k then use a file sharing service.

From your other post, "Hundreds of negatives to process"  and Ubuntu 24.04 / Gimp 2.10.36
You probably do not have any python support  in that version. Do you have an up-to-date G'mic plugin installed ?

The attached script-fu neg-tweak.scm  (unzip - put in scripts folder)uses a couple of the gmic filters and might (or might-not) make a slight improvement.
It registers in Filters -> Custom Try it on a sample image and see if you get a result.
The problem is consistency, you can use BIMP with this but probably each image needs individual consideration.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 576 bytes / Downloads: 46)
(10-28-2024, 10:52 AM)rich2005 Wrote: Stephen, you are a very difficult person to advise, however in the spirit of the forum.

(10-28-2024, 05:43 AM)Stephen Liu Wrote: My problem here is unable to resize the popup window of "Negative Darkroom".  I can't see the bottom tabs on the popup window.

It is broken on your installation, nothing I can do about it.

Quote:It seems no action here after selecting; - Colours /  Levels / Auto Input Levels
Please refers to the screenshot attached here. 

You get a washed-out image and Auto Input levels does nothing ? Then it is the original negative  and you really need to post a representative image. Did not work last time, if they are large file size, more than 500 k then use a file sharing service.

From your other post, "Hundreds of negatives to process"  and Ubuntu 24.04 / Gimp 2.10.36
You probably do not have any python support  in that version. Do you have an up-to-date G'mic plugin installed ?

The attached script-fu neg-tweak.scm  (unzip - put in scripts folder)uses a couple of the gmic filters and might (or might-not) make a slight improvement.
It registers in Filters -> Custom Try it on a sample image and see if you get a result.
The problem is consistency, you can use BIMP with this but probably each image needs individual consideration.
Hi rich2005,

Thanks for your advice.

It is very strange to me here.  I have another SSD drive in this PC, running Ubuntu 22.04 desktop.  I tried its GIMP, which also came as default on installing Ubuntu 22.04 desktop.  The result was the same.  I can't perform the steps as advised by you.

Please advise how to update G'mic plugin?

Re your attached file ?  Where is the scripts folder?


gimp_gmic_qt download the latest 3.4.3

Unzip and put the gimp_gmic_qt folder in your plugins folder.
That is in your home folder ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins

Unzip the attachment Then scripts go in the scripts folder ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/scripts/

It seems that nothing works for you, so I will not be surprised if these are the same.
(10-28-2024, 03:01 PM)rich2005 Wrote: gimp_gmic_qt  download the latest 3.4.3

Unzip and put the gimp_gmic_qt folder in your plugins folder.
That is in your home folder    ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins

Unzip the attachment Then scripts go in the scripts folder ~/.config/GIMP/2.10/scripts/

It seems that nothing works for you, so I will not be surprised if these are the same.
Hi rich2005,

Lot of thanks for you continue advising me.

I suspected would it be the problem of my desktop PC, Ubuntu unable to run properly on it?   OpenShot can't work here, on Ubuntu.  It shuts down automatically beyond my control.  But OpenShot works without problem on a Windows 10 SSD drive in this PC, ADM Ryzen 5 8-core PC with 32G RAM onboard..

I thinks its time for me to build a new PC.  My current daily working PC has been running >6 years.  I  have already planning building a Ryzen 7 or 9  PC, with 64G RAM onboard for sometimes.  It is because lack of time for shopping components, I haven't proceeded.  I'll stop here a while and come back on my new PC.

Thanks for your help.

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