Hey guys,
I installed a plugin to test it but I can't find it anywhere.
I looked inside the Python-Fu menu, I didn't find it.
Also in Filters - Python-Fu, without success.
In fact I'm not even sure what the name of this plugin would be.
Could anyone reveal the location of this plugin? Please!
Below is the plugin code:
I installed a plugin to test it but I can't find it anywhere.
I looked inside the Python-Fu menu, I didn't find it.
Also in Filters - Python-Fu, without success.
In fact I'm not even sure what the name of this plugin would be.
Could anyone reveal the location of this plugin? Please!
Below is the plugin code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Creator: TT
# This should allow user to adjust grow/shrink current selection with live preview
# Open Source
from gimpfu import *
import gtk
# Global variables to store the parameters used for our effect/work to show preview or actual layer when user OK it
global_param1 = 0 #in this example it's shrinkgrow radius
global_param2 = 0 #in this example it's feather_radius
global_param3 = 10 #in this example it's iterations
global_param4 = 0 #in this example it's enhance_shadows
image = 0 #we'll set these when dialog() is called so that we can access them later
drawable = 0
has_preview = False
preview_layer = 0
#for this operation
selection_channel = 0
def apply_effect(layer): #function to do work on either preview layer or actual drawable when user clicks OK
global image
radius = global_param1
feather_radius = global_param2
pdb.gimp_image_select_item(image,CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE,selection_channel) #first we selected the original saved channel
if radius < 0:
#do something to it to show it's effect so that user can distinguish between selected area or not
def apply_final(layer): #wrapper to apply effect on final and remove preview_layer meant to be called by on_ok_button_clicked
global preview_layer
#pdb.gimp_image_undo_group_start(image) #so it's undone in Ctrl+Z
pdb.gimp_image_undo_enable(image) #so that user can undo this next step
if has_preview:
pdb.gimp_image_remove_channel(image,selection_channel) #so that we don't leave a saved channel laying around
# Function to update the live preview
def update_live_preview(): #this is called everytime some parameter changes
global global_param1, global_param2, global_param3, global_param4
global image,drawable
global has_preview,preview_layer #deal with preview layer
global selection_channel #this will save our current selection
# Apply your plugin's effect using the current parameters
# Use global_param1 and global_param2 to access the user's inputs
if not has_preview: #create a preview layer
#pdb.gimp_message("Creating preview")
preview_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new(image,image.width,image.height,RGBA_IMAGE,"preview",70,LAYER_MODE_NORMAL)
pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image,preview_layer,None,0) #insert top most so we see it
non_empty,x1,y1,x2,y2 = pdb.gimp_selection_bounds(image)
if non_empty == TRUE:
pass #there's already a selection
pdb.gimp_selection_all(image) #if there's no selection we just select the whole image and work with that
selection_channel = pdb.gimp_selection_save(image)
has_preview = True #now set it true so we can deal with existing layer in later calls
else: # already have preview layer
#pdb.gimp_message("Removing existing and creating new Preview")
pdb.gimp_image_remove_layer(image,preview_layer) #remove it to create a new one to work on
preview_layer = pdb.gimp_layer_new(image,image.width,image.height,RGBA_IMAGE,"preview",50,LAYER_MODE_NORMAL)
pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image,preview_layer,None,0) #insert top most so we see it
#debug message
# Update the live preview layer with the modified image
save_foreground = 0
hilightcolor = (255,0,0)
def dialog(image_, drawable_):
global image, drawable, save_foreground
#save these for updates
image = image_
pdb.gimp_image_undo_disable(image) #for speed and also when user undo it doesn't see our preview creations/deletions
drawable = drawable_
save_foreground = pdb.gimp_context_get_foreground()
dialog = gtk.Dialog("Shrink/Grow Feather Selection Live Preview", None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL | gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT)
dialog.set_default_size(600, 100)
# Create an HBox to hold the label and slider -------------------------------------------------------------
hbox = gtk.HBox()
dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand=True, fill=True)
# Create a label on the left-hand side
label1 = gtk.Label("Shrink/Grow Radius:")
hbox.pack_start(label1, expand=False, fill=False, padding=5)
# Create an adjustment for the HScale (slider) with a range from 10 to 90
adjustment1 = gtk.Adjustment(value=0, lower=-400, upper=400, step_incr=1, page_incr=0)
param1_scale = gtk.HScale(adjustment=adjustment1)
param1_scale.set_digits(0) # Display only integers
hbox.pack_start(param1_scale, expand=True, fill=True, padding=5)
# Connect callback functions for user interaction
param1_scale.connect("value-changed", on_param1_changed)
# # Create an HBox to hold the label and slider -------------------------------------------------------------
hbox2 = gtk.HBox()
dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox2, expand=True, fill=True)
# Create a label on the left-hand side
label2 = gtk.Label("Feather Radius:")
hbox2.pack_start(label2, expand=False, fill=False, padding=5)
# Create an adjustment for the HScale (slider) with a range from 10 to 90
adjustment2 = gtk.Adjustment(value=0, lower=0, upper=400, step_incr=1, page_incr=0)
param2_scale = gtk.HScale(adjustment=adjustment2)
param2_scale.set_digits(0) # Display only integers
hbox2.pack_start(param2_scale, expand=True, fill=True, padding=5)
# Connect callback functions for user interaction
param2_scale.connect("value-changed", on_param2_changed)
# # Create an HBox to hold the label and slider -------------------------------------------------------------
# hbox3 = gtk.HBox()
# dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox3, expand=True, fill=True)
# # Create a label on the left-hand side
# label3 = gtk.Label("iterations:")
# hbox3.pack_start(label3, expand=False, fill=False, padding=5)
# # Create an adjustment for the HScale (slider) with a range from 10 to 90
# adjustment3 = gtk.Adjustment(value=10, lower=1, upper=30, step_incr=1, page_incr=0)
# param3_scale = gtk.HScale(adjustment=adjustment3)
# param3_scale.set_digits(0) # Display only integers
# hbox3.pack_start(param3_scale, expand=True, fill=True, padding=5)
# # Connect callback functions for user interaction
# param3_scale.connect("value-changed", on_param3_changed)
# Add an OK button
ok_button = dialog.add_button(gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
ok_button.connect("clicked", on_ok_button_clicked)
# Show the dialog
update_live_preview() #call this once so we see effect
# Callback function for updating the live preview when param1 changes
def on_param1_changed(scale):
global global_param1
global_param1 = scale.get_value()
# Callback function for updating the live preview when param2 changes
def on_param2_changed(scale):
global global_param2
global_param2 = scale.get_value()
def on_param3_changed(scale):
global global_param3
global_param3 = scale.get_value()
# Callback function for the OK button
def on_ok_button_clicked(button, data=None):
global drawable
apply_final(preview_layer) #preview layer because we don't want to apply the invert to final layer it's just for viewing
button.get_toplevel().destroy() #destroys the gtk dialog window
# Register the Python-Fu plugin
"Grow/Shrink Current Selection with Live Preview",
"Grow/Shrink Current Selection with Live Preview",
"<Image>/Python-Fu/Live Preview/Grow-Shrink Live", # Menu location
"*", # Image type
Samj Portable - Gimp 2.10.28 - Win-10 /64.
Samj Portable - Gimp 2.10.28 - Win-10 /64.