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currently planning to create a dotted map of the world - any ideas here
hi there - good day 

i am currently planning to create a dotted map of the world 

question - is there any idea - and approach to do so.  ARE there any ideas and things t hat can support here !?

see siome first strepx here 

.xcf   europe_map_extract_1_.xcf (Size: 22.05 KB / Downloads: 218)


look forward to hear from you
  • Create/obtain a black on white or white on black image of the map at the adequate scale.
  • In the Channels list drag any of the RGB channels to the list below to copy it
  • Add a background layer (if necessary)
  • Add a layer and fill with the dots pattern
  • Layer > Mask > Add layer mask and select the channel copy you did before. If the map is black on white, tick the Invert mask (or use Colors > Invert later), the goal being to have white (where you want the dots)
  • Filters > Blur > Pixelize (which should apply to the mask). The block size should be identical to the dot pattern size, and aligned with it (which it will be if you don't try to do clever things). Some of the dots won't be fully opaque at that point.
  • Colors > Threshold on the mask to make the dots fully opaque or fully transparent
Another way

For what it is worth, I would use svg outline maps. Open an SVG in Gimp and you determine the size, larger or smaller (within reason) without degradation. Do a search for free svg maps, I used one from here:

When you open in Gimp set the size in pixels and tick import paths. In Gimp you can fill a path directly with a pattern Edit -> Fill Path example filling path

Another way is make the path a selection Select -> From Path and paint in the selection. Probably not often used but you can paint using the clone tool. In the clone tool options set the source to pattern example using the clone tool

Up to you to make the pattern Wink
Hello dear Ofnuts and hello dear rich 2005

many many thansk for  the quick reply with the great answer
i am triying to get this done.  - i will folllow all the steps you suggest.

btw: you take a map as a background - and add a layer where you add dots . is this true

i need to get a first step - and then i hopefully can do  the next steps
addint dots - there must be some tools and options in Gimp to add such dots

many thanks
(11-26-2023, 08:24 PM)sayhello Wrote: Hello dear Ofnuts and hello dear rich 2005

many many thansk for  the quick reply with the great answer
i am triying to get this done.  - i will folllow all the steps you suggest.

btw: you take a map as a background - and add a layer where you add dots . is this true

i need to get a first step - and then i hopefully can do  the next steps
addint dots - there must be some tools and options in Gimp to add such dots

many thanks

The initial map layer is made invisible. It is only used to copy the shape in the mask.

To add the dots,
  • create a 20x20 image (for a 20x20 pattern of course)
  • Make a circle selection (with  1-2px margin if you don't want tangent dots), 
  • Bucket-fill the selection, 
  • Select > All and Edit > Copy
  • In the pattern selection select the Clipboard image or Clipboard mask patterns (always the first two)
  • Bucket-fill a new layer with the pattern.
hello and good evening.

awesome ofnuts - this is so great - many many thanks to you

have a great day
Perhaps, using the filter correctly, the G'MIC - Pack Sprites option could have some use in this type of dotted maps - In the case used in the maps of Portugal, Spain and France in the attached image.
Samj PortableGimp 2.10.28 - Win-10 /64.
hi there - good day dear Krikor

many thanks for your reply and your additional ideas - awesome - i really love the discussion.

this forum is absolutly outstanding

have a awesome great day - you all - i come back later the day again

many many thanks for all your help and for giving me so many valuable tipps and hints. I am so happy to be part of this great forum.
It is a great experience - to see how many great ideas are given - and how you share your ideas, your time and thougths - to give me some greart starting points

i will digg deeper into all that - and come back later the day.

meanwhile - have a great day

For a colored dotted map >
  1. Filters > Blur > Pixelize... (keep the Block size in mind, here 20 for Block width and Block height) on the image
  2. Add a mask (black)
  3. Take a brush input the size of the pixel (here 20)
  4. Open the Symmetry painting if not opened (Windows > Dockable dialog > Symmetry Painting) in Tiling Symmetry input `Interval X and Interval Y at the pixelize size (here 20)
  5. Make one white dab with the brush on the top left corner at the very edge of the mask
  6. Colors > Curves... Do a vertical curves on the mask to increase or decrease or sharpen the dots
  7. Colors > Hue-Saturation..., increase brightness and saturation as you wish

Easy number to remember for example a brush at 20 pixels = Pixelize filter at 20 = symmetry X and Y at 20 as well, and dab at the very top left corner and all the image will fill with dots (zoom in to be sure there is no space on the edges of your image and your brush)


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