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currently planning to create a dotted map of the world - any ideas here
well  - after all i have found the newly created (and stored) pattern. 

the single dot


well - here we can see that the single dot is in the so called "pattern library"  

how to proceed to create the map.. i guess that i use the dot - 

a. as a single dot or i 
b. create a pattern witn many many dots

what is aimed:  i want to follow the instructions that are provided here:

i will try to reach this - i will try to get there. 

i come back later this day...

untill soon
well this is a awesome thread

if i got this right - then a very important step is to create a pattern - is this right!?
is this teh first step in the process?

second - with this dotted pattern - we need to set up a layer - the layer in other words is made of such dotted pattern
and then thirdly we need to add a nother layer that could be taken from maps - we need for example a map of

europe or USA or so - and then we put the data layer for layer to a a pcoesss were subsequently have the dotted layer that -- hmm lemme say "fills " the part of our european map..

can we go so - can we do like so?

thanks in advance for any and and help....
You also can use G'Mic-Qt :
Well, this has been covered (done-to-death) in previous posts .. Country borders tend to complicated, usually difficult to get a good selection, so my advice is get a premade map composed of vectors - a svg image. This site has several and is free-to-use.

(03-06-2025, 09:41 PM)saint_m Wrote: if i got this right - then a very important step is to create a pattern - is this right!?
is this teh first step in the process?

Making seamless patterns can be complicated, in this case just make a small image (size to suit map) Add a dot in the center. Then you can either export as a pattern or as shown copy and it becomes a temporary "clipboard pattern" (4) in the screenshot You can use a transparent background.

Quote:second  - with this dotted pattern - we need to set up a layer - the layer in other words is made of such dotted pattern
and then thirdly we need to add a nother layer that could be taken from maps - we need for example a map of
europe or USA or so - and then we put the data layer for layer to a a pcoesss were subsequently have the dotted layer that -- hmm lemme say "fills " the part of our european map..

That is correct.  
(1) Using that svg image, make sure you import the paths (one for each country)
(2) If you want a background add a layer underneath and fill.
(3) Select the country path.
(4) Using the pattern, fill in a new layer. Edit -> Fill Path
(5) If you need a border, stroke the path, You can set a pattern in Edit -> Stroke Path dialogue. (remember to set back to a solid line when finished)


Quote:can we go so - can we do like so?

...of course you can...concentrate on one operation at a time, use plenty of layers.
(03-07-2025, 09:44 AM)rich2005 Wrote: denzjos hello dear rich2005 Smile

first of all : many many thanks for the reply and for all your tipps, hints and great ideas. 

this is truley a great asset of Knowledge here - and i am Pretty sure that in this thread many others will Benefit.

btw:  is there something to take care and do we have to pay attention to something special - if we want to add the map to - let us say a Website: 

for example in the WordPress-theme - lets say for example here: 

the theme twenty twenty four - TT4



do we Need to Keep a eye on the size 
a. of the dotts for the dotted map - either Europe or the world.   In other words - do we Need to take some certain sidce - so that the Image will 
fit ritght - and does ot get to miss-configured - (i . e. if the dots are some Kind of blurred and not with a sharp and tidy design) 

cf this Image - which looks pretty awful ...     

well i hope i am able to make clear - what i find as a diffcult issue . 

how would you start - if you want to make a image that fits here  for example. 

imagine:  how would you create a map - if you want to replay one of the two standdard - defaujlt images in  the above mentioned theem TT4 twen ty twenty four. .. (see the example)

either this one here:     

(see it  ih the theme - its the big image in the theme (see the Link to the WordPress-Theme shown above )

or this one here: 

(see it  ih the theme - its a smaller image in the theme -- see the Link to the WordPress-Theme shown above )

question: how would you start - if you want to get a nice and tidy - a good looking result - what are the measures of the dotted map and so on.. #
How to avoid any issues in the pathway...

i look forward to hear form you Smile

saint_m Wink

Quote:Well, this has been covered (done-to-death) in previous posts .. Country borders tend to complicated, usually difficult to get a good selection, so my advice is get a premade map composed of vectors - a svg image. This site has several and is free-to-use.

Quote:can we go so - can we do like so?

...of course you can...concentrate on one operation at a time, use plenty of layers.
hello dear all  Smile

due to the lack of action in the last 4 hours i cannot edit the threat and the posting so here a new addition 

i found some more data on the sizes that are apropiate in WordPress: 

WordPress Image Sizes: The Must-Read Guide [2023 Update]

How WordPress Processes images (default sizes)
Whenever you upload an image, WordPress automatically creates 4 different image sizes:

Quote:Thumbnail size (150 x 150 pixels)
Medium size (maximum 300 x 300 pixels)
Large size (maximum 1024 x 1024 pixels)
Full size (the original size of the uploaded image)

... What’s the best image size to ensure fast, high-quality images that look good and responsive on desktop, tablet and any mobile device?

Here are the best image sizes for WordPress:

Blog post image size (1200 x 630 pixels)
Header image size (banner size 1048 x 250 pixels)
Featured image size (landscape 1200 x 900 pixels)
Featured image size (portrait 900 x 1200 pixels)
WordPress background image size (1920 x 1080 pixels)
Logo image size (200 x 100 pixels)
Thumbnail image size (150 x 150 pixels)

and the following reading:  controlling-wordpress-image-sizes

How to Use the Default WordPress Image Sizes
Every time you upload a photo to your site, WordPress will automatically generate different sizes for it. These are the default sizes for every site:

Quote:Thumbnail: 150px square
Medium: Max width and height of 300px
Large: Max width and height of 1024px
Full Size: The original size of your image
You can view these options when you upload a photo into a post. Select the image, then locate the Image size option in the settings panel and click on the drop-down menu:

How to Adjust the Default Image Sizes
As we’ve seen, WordPress automatically generates different sizes for each image that you upload to your site. It does this to help you ensure that the right image is used in the right location (e.g., thumbnails in blog feeds, large images in headers).

However, you might choose to customize these image sizes so they better suit your needs. If you’re constantly cropping your uploaded images, changing the default sizes can save you a lot of time and effort. To do this, navigate to Settings > Media in your WordPress dashboard:
well i try to figure out how i can work on a map of 
a. Europe - or 
b. the World - that has nice and clean and tidy look and feel - and looks bright and cool and not so like that     

have a great day


Saint_m  Smile
I have never used Wordpress, but I did see those image sizes, Wordpress does render your original image in differnt sizes, and interpolation might make slightly blurred images.

However.  A bit late as well, meet friends for a beer in the afternoon.

Sticking with the svg Europe file from  some hints.

You import a vector .svg like this, and because this comes with a transparent background, lock and fill like this little animation

You can fill just a country or the whole map with a pattern or just a country by choosing a path.

Then as an example, A layer under for the sea. Lock the transparency and fill all the land with color, Choose your country, fill with a pattern.

All sorts of ways to mix fill and paths. Those little clips are a bit quick.  I have some old patterns with transparent backgrounds, some attached, unzip and and put the folder in your patterns folder.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 195.49 KB / Downloads: 3)
(03-07-2025, 05:00 PM)rich2005 Wrote: I have never used Wordpress, but I did see those image sizes, Wordpress does render your original image in differnt sizes, and interpolation might make slightly blurred images.

However.  A bit late as well, meet friends for a beer in the afternoon.

Sticking with the svg Europe file from  some hints.

You import a vector .svg like this, and because this comes with a transparent background, lock and fill like this little animation

You can fill just a country or the whole map with a pattern or just a country by choosing a path.

Then as an example, A layer under for the sea. Lock the transparency and fill all the land with color, Choose your country, fill with a pattern.

All sorts of ways to mix fill and paths. Those little clips are a bit quick.  I have some old patterns with transparent backgrounds, some attached, unzip and and put the folder in your patterns folder.
'....fill all the land with color...' This post is interesting :
(03-07-2025, 06:52 PM)xxxxxx denzjos Wrote: hello dear rich2005 hello dear denzjos Smile

first of all: many thans for the quick answer  and for the sharing of your great ideas, thoughts and tupps.
8its great to see you as a experienced user of gimp.

i have seen your steps and i have to say # very very inspirng. #thanks alot!!

btw: the image here has got  size of
the image: 1980 x 1350 pixel

look forward to hear from you

xxxxxx denzjos
(03-07-2025, 05:00 PM)rich2005 Wrote: I have never used Wordpress, but I did see those image sizes, Wordpress does render your original image in differnt sizes, and interpolation might make slightly blurred images.

However.  A bit late as well, meet friends for a beer in the afternoon.

Sticking with the svg Europe file from  some hints.

You import a vector .svg like this, and because this comes with a transparent background, lock and fill like this little animation

You can fill just a country or the whole map with a pattern or just a country by choosing a path.

Then as an example, A layer under for the sea. Lock the transparency and fill all the land with color, Choose your country, fill with a pattern.

All sorts of ways to mix fill and paths. Those little clips are a bit quick.  I have some old patterns with transparent backgrounds, some attached, unzip and and put the folder in your patterns folder.
'....fill all the land with color...' This post is interesting :
As for the size of the dots,

You pixlab recommended above...

Quote:a colored dotted map >
  1. Filters > Blur > Pixelize... (keep the Block size in mind, here 20 for Block width and Block height) on the image
  2. Add a mask (black)
  3. Take a brush input the size of the pixel (here 20)
  4. Open the Symmetry painting if not opened (Windows > Dockable dialog > Symmetry Painting) in Tiling Symmetry input `Interval X and Interval Y at the pixelize size (here 20)
  5. Make one white dab with the brush on the top left corner at the very edge of the mask
  6. Colors > Curves... Do a vertical curves on the mask to increase or decrease or sharpen the dots
  7. Colors > Hue-Saturation..., increase brightness and saturation as you wish
Easy number to remember for example a brush at 20 pixels = Pixelize filter at 20 = symmetry X and Y at 20 as well, and dab at the very top left corner and all the image will fill with dots (zoom in to be sure there is no space on the edges of your image and your brush
 Hmm I will try to get the dots pattern done with that size  Smile

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