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nicer guidelab arakne_guid_lav
Busy with programingforschildren with Python  i need some pictures in GIMP with guides, OK, available , but
arakne_guide_lab is (wAS)in my opinion much more comfortabel ;-)
Now on a new pC with W11   and a GIMP installed this years version , I am not able to install it afredh.

On an older PC here the Gimp there can activate th guide_lab ,  used years ago

Found back  an arakne_guide_lab_zip  with (if rember correctly) contains all *.py files needed.

Tansferring them in the  new local plugin directory of my now used PC ,: no success.

have a screenshot of tje guid-lab on my Iphone

how to send this screenshot to interested readers? or here into this thread??
Oh sorry, see:ing now : Add Attachmeent ( have tirst to copy the screenshot ot my pC)

Greets an have a nice day
sorry too thick,  trying now to reduce sice  ... will com back later

Screen shot was aroun 2MB, too big to post, trying to reduce it

picture smaller mad e  (with GIMP)  Wink ...

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
(09-18-2024, 08:21 AM)PKHG_old Wrote: ....snip....i need some pictures in GIMP with guides, OK, available , but
arakne_guide_lab is (wAS)in my opinion much more comfortabel ;-)
Now on a new pC with W11   and a GIMP installed this years version , I am not able to install it afredh.....snip....

It might just be a Windows 11 thing. I have in my archive what seems to be the Arakne guides lab that was modified into a single plugin with that painting option.

No chance me having a Win 11 VM,  so this is a Win10 VM / Gimp 2.10.38 and (file size 78048 B)

Not something I normally use but it adds guides and does save / recover a set.  Just in case it is different to your version , zipped and attached.
edit: Looking in the script, it is version 3.8


Attached Files
.zip (Size: 18.18 KB / Downloads: 230)
thanks a lot for your reply,

Nice to know that this may on some W11 this nicd guidelab is possible;

Now I need specialists , hwo can inform an old (now 82 grandfather)  with a lot of knowled about computers 
(Scracth, Algol, Lisp,Standrar Liisp, and much more).

This is a HP PC with more or less latest W11, and lastest Gimp.

At this moment my Gimp  uses the  SCM  guides  (working,) 
Aproblem may be : there seems to be a new Arakne... zip   but trying to download it my PC  syad  no, mtybe dangerous.

Does some know if ths warnign is not correct?

Luckily I have a linkt to this  https in an emacs org file (only a klick away)   
I had enabled to get a email adress  info (but nothong available), menaing happy with being emacs fan

(09-18-2024, 12:24 PM)PKHG_old Wrote: Aproblem may be : there seems to be a new Arakne... zip   but trying to download it my PC  syad  no, mtybe dangerous.

Does some know if ths warnign is not correct?

If you did download over-there >
Should be fine, thus a false positive from Microsoft Windows
did not understad exactly, gut guide_lav works,, in th e line above (straing fith Fle .. line of commandsO now GTK appears and a
klik starts the guide_lab.

And Peter is happy about this .

in c:/Users/Zbook/AppData/Roaming/GIMP/2.10/plug-ins:

In the plugin directory for my GIMP i have this file now:
-rw-rw-rw- 1 Administrators Geen 78048 09-19 08:49 which is probably the one which works for me now

Maybe this info is helpful:

total used in directory 118 available 145.4 GiB
drwxrwxrwx 1 Zbook Geen 8192 09-19 09:11 ..
drwxrwxrwx 1 Zbook Geen 4096 09-19 08:56 .
-rw-rw-rw- 1 Zbook Geen 14850 09-17 10:30
-rw-rw-rw- 1 Zbook Geen 14816 09-16 16:33
C -rw-rw-rw- 1 Administrators Geen 78048 09-19 08:49

As you can see , the lastline is th solution ...

If checked I will tel it here ;-)
all inatioal problems solved

arakne_guide_lab works as years ago and found by latest Gimp

Too the adjusted version to paint easily e.g. circles round intersections
of guides is back, though not yet working
have to find out, niece work for me

wil be back after succes with paint agin doing what ir could do
Have a nice day and greetins
from grandfather PKHF (P = Peter)
long ago a used Gimp to play checcker in an gimp image.

I found old files back on a HP PC 

Is there some willing to help me to get it working again in latest Gimp?
(09-29-2024, 07:58 AM)PKHG_old Wrote: long ago a used Gimp to play checcker in an gimp image.

I found old files back on a HP PC 

Is there some willing to help me to get it working again in latest Gimp?

"play checker" - do you mean make a checker pattern in an image ?

It is now a GEGL filter in Filters -> Render -> Pattern -> Checkerboard


Edit: The older legacy version is still there, so maybe you want something else. Give details:


Fill a layer or a selection, and adjust the parameters to suit. Example:

(09-29-2024, 08:30 AM)rich2005 Wrote: Edit: The older legacy version is still there, so maybe you want something else. Give details:

It's behaviour is erratic/almost unpredictable depending the FG/BG FG-BG-Swashes
-- have the FG white and the BG black, and the preview will show white and transparent square, but the result is B&W
-- getting worse, have the FG black or any color and the BG white the preview shows black (or colored) squares and transparent squares, but the result is white squares and transparent
-- even more strange have a colored FG/BG and you got brighter or darker gray and transparent or half transparent depending the intensity of the color (lightness)
-- and there is more, but I stop here   Wink


Outside of the Psycobilly option which can be made with G'MIC (I don't recall which filter or maybe another filter in GIMP), I don't see why GIMP still keep it Big Grin
Thanks a lot dear ...

I am on the way too  to get old (working) files to work again.

Now I struggle with the problem where the new Gimp can find * *.pat files i made for the
ccheder bord, espacialyy thosw who can becom a so called DAM, (for black an white Dam-stons)

and old had to be set inot the plug-ins directory of Gimp.
Not yet finisched, and trying wyour anserss
Had to come back here much eralier, very sorry Peter 

Thanks and have a nice new weekend   Smile

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