I have an image containing several white blobs on a black background. Using python fu, I was wondering the fastest and easiest way to select a single pixel from each of these white blobs (it doesn't have to be the center of each blob). I'm working with Gimp 3.0. Thanks in advance!
As per title. Kind of lost track, and DDG sends me to a PPA (mati75/gimp30) that isn't carrying the latest and greatest. Is there a PPA with 3.0 RC1? And one with GMIC?
I'm a fan of how wildlife interacts with humans. A few weeks ago I woke up and went outside to put my boots on but they were gone. I remember about 10 years ago the same thing happened. I found each boot in different directions about 30 to 40 metres from the house. This time I found the boots about 5 metres apart and 20 or 30 metres from the house. I suspect Tasmanian devils, they are probably attracted to the leather but soon lose interest in eating a pair of old boots.
Apologies if this question's already been asked, but I want to dock the main toolbox - containing the buttons Move, Select, Free Select, Fuzzy Select, Crop Tool, Rotate Tool, Warp Transform, etc. - horizontally and directly beneath the File Menu, instead of vertically to the left side. How do I do that?
I would like to create an outlined border around the extremities of text similar to the red border in the attachment uploaded. I can add borders around individual letters. Struggling with adding a border around the extremities of the text.
I've been using GIMP for a while now but something odd just happened and no matter what I try I can't seem to fix it. I was editing the letter spacing of a font in a document, reducing the size with the down arrows, when the tool options box, that in the upper right disappeared. I can't now get it back.
I'm using a Mac Air with Sonoma, and my version of GIMP is 2.10.34. The area I'm trying to restore is the upper right box of the font options. Now there is only the fonts list, not the options for altering size, width, line spacing etc of whichever font is selected. While I can select fonts, and can use the font tool, the additional text editing options are missing, irrespective of what I tab I click, or when restoring the default settings. When I reload older documents, or go back with my undo history, nothing changes.
Am I missing something? I feel like I can't see the wood for the trees!
I'm new to creating prints for my original paintings and have some questions about file exporting.
I'm using Gelato and they mention a couple things. First is 300 DPI which it is so thats cool. Second is that I should export the file as a PDF/X4. Is that just PDF? I dont see an X4 option in the File Types menu when exporting.
Third it mentions "If working in RGB, tag your image files with an sRGB profile. When exporting, save them as PDF/X4 files with a "GRACoL2006_Coated1v2.icc" output intent to maintain color fidelity."
I downloaded that color assignment and tried assigning it to my image but I got an error that says: ICC profile validation failed: Color profile is not for RGB color space"
Do I need to export as a PDF first, then assign the color profile? What am I doing wrong?
[attachment=12457][attachment=12457]Im using GIMP 2.10 on windows 10 on a lenovo yoga i7 laptop. GIMP is recognising touch stylus only once after restarting laptop but not after that. I still can select tools or select options from status bar but unable to draw. Kindly let me know solution if anyone has. I'm attaching images of my settings on GIMP
Hi, I used to participate as needed in the old GIMPUsers forum, but I see it's archived now.
Five or six years ago I used some iteration of 2.8 (I think) to produce the cover for my first indie-pubbed novel. I think it came out fairly well.
I'm a slow writer and editor. Only now am I preparing the cover for the second-in-series. I'm basing it on the first one, but it's been so long I've forgotten how I did it and I'm having to relearn as I go. It's coming back to me, but I can't recall how I produced the yellow-ochre quasi-drop shadows you see with the title.
I know I copied the edited black title text onto a new layer, moved it where I wanted it, and recolored it, but I'm stuck on how to change the black to the yellow-ochre.
Here's where I've gotten to, and I beg pardon because the image is posting as a link, and not as an image:
I've tried the Fill tool, but it only recolors the rectangular background of the layer. I imagine the right method has to do with masks and so on, but I can't recall the knack of it. Could some kind person lead me through it again?