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  Can't Open Files (Mac)
Posted by: Mazumi - 11-25-2019, 03:45 PM - Forum: OSX - Replies (1)

So I realize the issue with Catalina sinceI upgraded early.  However I just continued to use the work around of opening files directly from the Finder.  However today when I went to open a file, I get an issue that this system needs to run the zsh.  It gave me a command to type in the terminal, which I did.  I went to reopen the file, and I am stuck at the terminal again, and this is all I am seeing:

Last login:  Mon Nov 25 09:33:47 on ttys000
username@user-iMac ~ %

I replaced our computer name and user info with username and user.  But how do I fix this problem?  I switched to Gimp so I wouldn't have to pay for photoshop any longer, but Catalina seems to be causing so much issues.  Thanks so much.

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  Two versions in one OS?
Posted by: Zero01 - 11-24-2019, 07:24 PM - Forum: Linux and other Unixen - Replies (4)

Without using a VM or using other versions of GIMP (i.e. Partha's etc), is there a way of having both official recent (2.8.22. & 2.10.??) GIMPs on a single operating system. I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS at present. Thanks

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  L'outil Alignement
Posted by: lapache - 11-24-2019, 10:37 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (1)

Bonjour à tous,
Je suis désolé de m'exprimer en français mais je ne peux pas soumettre ma question de façon différente.
Dans l'outil " Alignement " de Gimp il y a deux options qui me posent un problème :
Aligner le milieu de la cible
Aligner le centre de la cible
pour moi le " centre " et le " milieu " veulent dire la même chose . N'y a t il pas moyen de mieux différencier ces deux options ?
Merci d'avance pour votre réponse.

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  How to darken / heal bright spots while retaining texture
Posted by: tommik128 - 11-24-2019, 07:21 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (13)

I struggle to find the proper way of darkening or healing the spots on a scanned image. I have tried using Colors - Levels and also Filters - Enhance - Heal Selection. But the results are not convincing. I either get improper brightness in comparison to surroundings or the texture in those spots is kinda blurred / damaged. I would like to retain the source texture just have the spots to get darker so that they match the surroundings.

Thanks you for your time.

[Image: pyjJbZ2.png] [Image: GXRwC2o.png]

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  Can I add custom buttons?
Posted by: Marscaleb - 11-23-2019, 07:12 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I just picked up a Surface to try to use it for a drawing tablet.
Since GIMP doesn't work properly with Surface's API there are a number of features I could really use a convenient way to get around.
What I'm thinking I could really use is a way to create custom buttons I could add into the interface.  For example, undo/redo.  I'd like to add an undo button into my UI that I can just click for a simple one-button effect.
There are other commands I'd like to add as well, like I'm thinking buttons to zoom in and out since half the time when I try to pinch the screen I end up drawing on it.

Fundamentally I'm just wanting to add command I normally use the keyboard for to some sort of custom toolbar.
Is there any way to do this?

Also, mostly unrelated, but the latest version of GIMP looks way different than what I'm used to, and I'm curious what kind of options I have to change my UI's theme.  I was poking around and saw something in the settings where it listed paths to themes, but I didn't find where to actually change them.  I'm wondering what kind of options I might have for creating custom themes so I can fit the UI better.  Between the surface's size/resolution some things just feel the wrong size to me, and I might just want to completely customize a lot of these things.

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  fichier raw
Posted by: francis39 - 11-23-2019, 01:43 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

bonjour je souhaite importer mes image depuis un appareil photos  il me propose en raw et en jpg je souhaite les retravailler après avec gimp 2.10.14 .
peut on retravailler les photos en jpeg avec gimp car le raw il faut le transformer en jpg avanr de l'importer dans gimp merci pour vos réponses

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  How to wrap image around half a barrel
Posted by: Skybo - 11-23-2019, 08:10 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (4)


I am trying to wrap an image around half a barrel. Is this possible with Gimp 2.10.12 and how do I do it? Ive been searching for hours and think I'm asking for the wrong thing?


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  How do I prevent the outline from dipping into an image that has gaps inside it?
Posted by: marigolden - 11-22-2019, 11:18 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (20)

Try to outline an image that contains gaps. Even if I block off the gaps on the very outside by painting over where it meets the outside, it still leaks into the image. Any way to fix this?


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  Looking for script for raw/unusual image data
Posted by: dfar80 - 11-22-2019, 07:14 PM - Forum: Extending the GIMP - Replies (2)

Hi. Once in a while I dabble in game modifications, which invariably means texture or sprite editing, usually with very specific tools for very specific file and/or compression types. For the most part I can work out the kinks in files, which can have a single image split into pieces or various images placed inside the same file, but sometimes I come across image formatting which that makes edition tricky.

Recently I came across a game I would like to modify but its image structure - at least when viewed from programs normally used for editing this kind of thing - limits functionality. Pictured below is the image data, partially seen from two different programs:

[Image: 1.png]
(Seen through a program called Tile Molester)

[Image: 2.png]
(Seen through a program called Texture Finder v2.1)

The image, at least according to the first program, uses 2 Dimensional tiling @ 16bpp RGB modes (it can also be seen at 15bpp). The first program allows editing while the second one doesn't. It is possible with the first one to export as, say, *.png and edit the image through other means, but importing doesn't always work as it can corrupt alpha channels and palettes. And directly editing an image, or series of images like this through the program is a chore.

Further, this one lacks any kind of header, making it harder for some programs to recognize it.

I'd like to know if there is any kind of GIMP extension that would open raw data from a file which definitely contains one or several images inside it, while at the same time preserving the integrity of its palettes and alpha channels.

Thanks in advance Smile

PS: I'm including a link to the file (the forums won't let me attach it) if anyone wants to look into its structure, since the game has multiple files/images like this:


If you download the file above, you can run it through this site and see it in full, along with getting an idea of how it's structured.

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  Light absorption test - Is it possible using Gimp?
Posted by: marco-gimp - 11-22-2019, 02:20 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (12)

Light absorption test - Is it possible using Gimp?

I have just received 150 ml of Black 3.0 
... the blackest of all blacks outside of nano-tubes.

The idea is to use it for flocking a telescope, as a one stop solution.

A black paint is anyway required for blacking the lens edges
... but it might replace the need to line the scope with black material.
... also, it can cover the places where material flocking is not possible, such as inside the focus tube.
... and it can be applied to cloth.

The concept is, that stray light cannot bounce down the inside of the scope tube.
Flocking is required; so why not Black 3.0 (3.2 revision)?

YouTube Tests

The YT tests were mostly very poor.
Typically, the testers hadn't even read the instructions.
Most were artists (I guess we can forgive them), but even a photographer for business, with a highly organised setup ... no ... didn't read the instructions  Huh
... which were: 

  • Use an undercoat 
  • mix with water 
  • apply multiple thin coats 

(obviously a dark undercoat would be sensible - Black 2.0 is recommended) 

One chap did paint a model human head, first with Black 2.0 and then Black 3,0
The result was quite remarkable.
He rotated the head, and it wasn't possible to know which way it was turning!

In a second video, he used a mobile phone luminance app, to attempt to measure reflected light.
However, the numbers were all over the shop - the camera software was modding the ISO, and the camera was being waved (causing a shadow) by hand, over differing samples.

A light absorption figure was produced, but hey ... in truth, the results were meaningless, from a perspective of the quoted precision. 
It was a 'good fun' test, with an interesting twist at the end - 11.6m views and counting, so he certainly got the concept right.

I thought of Gimp

A set of sample cards, of different blacks and prep methods.
 - Create a black enclosure, with a side opening for a light source, and a top opening for a camera lens.
 - Place a card in a set position.
 - Photograph each card, with the camera adjustment locked.
 - Compare to an image of the closed enclosure

Presumably, the images taken under lit conditions, will be lighter.

The camera can save in raw, or 100 jpg (is this raw, but in jpg format?)

What tool should I use, to analyse the difference between the different samples, and total darkness?
... something that can give me a number, to indicate total reflected light.


(currently using 2.8)

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