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How to make one layer fit another |
Posted by: TheGoob_TM - 12-06-2019, 03:51 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
Not sure how to word this right because google hasn't helped me at all. Basically, I have a peanut shape and I am trying to alter the word inside the peanut to fit, stretch it on the ends to be rounded and squashed in the middle. not sure if there is a way to do this but if so please help?
How do I make the boundary fit the item? |
Posted by: marigolden - 12-05-2019, 08:51 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
I made a new layer to trace part of the image with the path tool and fill it in with color to solve the blur on a simple cartoon eye as the wonderful akovia showed me in a message. Then I copy pasted (for the 2nd eye) I realized the boundary was as big as the image itself, meaning the dash-lined square around the item, is all the way out so it's harder to move around and resize. How do I bring it in to fit the item?
Pasting loses color |
Posted by: marigolden - 12-05-2019, 03:46 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (14)
I'm trying to copy paste something but it becomes a faded version for some reason. The image has an alpha channel underneath, and I paste to a new layer after I copy it. I've tried with fuzzy select and the rectangle tool and the result happened both times. Why is this??
How do I make the boundary fit the canvas? |
Posted by: marigolden - 12-04-2019, 09:15 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (3)
I cut out most of an image, reduced the canvas accordingly, and now the dotted line (boundary I believe this is) around the original canvas size remains unchanged I'm not sure why the boundary didn't adjust naturally, how do I make it become smaller to fit the layer exactly?
color to alpha |
Posted by: trandoductin - 12-04-2019, 06:05 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
need help python plug-in
I am trying to help someone on my forum to automate some steps
and one of the steps is colortoalpha
so I used
pdb.plug_in_colortoalpha(image,active_layer,color) but it isn't producing the same result as doing it from front end.
but if you do it through the front end there are two other settings one of which is the transparency threshold.
How do I perform the same settings as the front end specifying those 2 extra settings in addition to color?
Thanks in advance.
GIMP window expands to unviewable size |
Posted by: Gully - 12-04-2019, 01:42 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
I'm using GIMP 2.10 on Slackware 14.2-current 64bit. I tried to post this to the 2.10 forum, but for some reason, I don't have the button to start a new thread on that forum. So, I'm asking here.
When I start GIMP, the window fits on my screen and I can see all the tools. It's been working fine for weeks/month. Just today, when I open any of the projects I was working on, the window expands vertically to the point where I can't see the bottom of the tool options or the zoom tool. I know I can access the zoom through the View menu, but I prefer to just change from the tool at the bottom of the window. I haven't tried with each project I've been working, I'm up to 8 or 9 already, but the first 3 that I tried have had this problem.
I've quit and restarted the app several times now.
I went into the View menu and tried the Shrink Wrap and Fullscreen options to see if I could manipulate the window size, but after clicking on those, the window changes and if I click again to undo the change to the window, the window goes back to the bottom bleeding off of my screen.
I went to the desktop toolbar/taskbar and right-clicked on the window there to see if I could resize that way. I can only change the horizontal size, not the vertical size. If I used the full-screen/expand arrow in the upper right of the window, the top border of the window disappears and I can't get back to the arrow to turn off full-screen. And the bottom still doesn't show up, it's bleeding off of my screen like in all of the other sizes/positions.
The dimensions of the projects I'm working on are 2550 pixels wide x 3550 pixels tall. I had the zoom at 18% to view the whole thing and also at 100% to work on some details.
Even when I open images and layers that I haven't edited yet, the window immediately shift to the unwieldy size.
How do I get the window to stay the same size after I open a project as it was when I first open the window?