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Newbie Screenshot question |
Posted by: Kathleen - 05-27-2019, 02:13 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
I'm starting to use Gimp after having used Paint Shop Pro for years. After an update to my laptop, PSP appears to work OK, but I can't save anything. So here I am, learning Gimp.
I can't figure out how to take a screenshot and paste it into Gimp. Tried a Google search, but couldn't find anything other than screenshots from within Gimp.
How to smooth jagged lines |
Posted by: Mark lar - 05-27-2019, 08:47 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (6)
I'm pretty new to GIMP and I'm drawing just plain black lines on a grid with snap to grid enabled, and I want to try and make the diagonal lines smooth like the others and remove the pixelated and raggedy edges. Any help would be appreciated.
How to place "Tool Options" in "Toolbox" window |
Posted by: ajax - 05-26-2019, 03:23 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (7)
Tool options are normally displayed in the toolbox window below the tool selection icons. However, I've inadvertently done something to change this behavior so that it no longer happens. I've hunted through the Help, which BTW doesn't seem to work on GIMP 2.10.10, without being able to figure out what happened.
Would someone please explain how to put it back the way GIMP normally works by default?
Print issue ? |
Posted by: Recrem - 05-25-2019, 06:12 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (12)
I have recently scaled up an image produced with Gimp to print 83 x 50cm. I generally produce the image at 50 x 30cm but had a special request for a larger image.
I've printed at the smaller size and never noticed any problem.. haven't had any similar problem in ten years of producing and printing images.
I was surprised to find the printed image was larger on the left side than on the right by 3mm.
I went back and checked the digital image thinking the image must have been distorted by the "unified transform tool" and left short on the right side.. but found on checking that the image completely filled the 83 x 50 rectangle with no visible empty background ?
We have since printed the same image twice and it is still 3mm short on the right side.
I am not certain if this problem has originated in Gimp or via the printer software.. I sent the image to a printer as a jpeg and they checked it in PS before printing.
Are there any known issues with certain printers.. or image file formats ?
Has anyone encountered this issue before ?
And if they did how did they resolve it ?
Thanks in anticipation.
Can a Custom Pencil Brush include Transparency? |
Posted by: pha3z - 05-21-2019, 07:24 PM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (9)
I've created a custom brush of some grass blades. They are full color. Because they are so small (sub pixel), it's essential that they have transparency in order to blend properly when I paint them.
However, it appears that transparency is ignored when I use the brush with the Pencil tool. It works fine when I use the Brush tool. However, there's a problem with that.
The Brush tool appears to do some kind of subpixel sampling in an attempt to make a brush appear to be centered exactly where you click. This means if you created a brush image that needs to be stamped so that exact per-pixel detail matches the brush as it was originally created, you can't. It gets distorted along the edges. Sometimes, the distortion is quite significant.
On the other hand, the pencil tool acts like an exact pixel-per-pixel map that "stamps" the exact brush shape without any distortion or alteration. I need the exact pencil mapping, but it appears to ignore transparency in the brush image.
Is there a configuration setting I'm missing?