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Path transformation challenge |
Posted by: Ritergeek - 02-18-2019, 12:23 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (4)
In order to create a symetrical path, I drew and shaped half, then duplicated the path. I then tried using Image > Transform > Flip Horizonally with path mode selected to flip the path copy. I had only one selected. Both paths flipped. The same thing happened when I moved one of the paths and when I clicked off visibility on one. What finally worked was to copy and delete one of the paths, flip the remaining one, and paste the first back in.
Exploring the situation further, I created a random new path. When I flipped it, all paths flipped.
Single paths within a collection can be stroked or turned into selections. Why won't single paths flip?
Menu fonts turn black |
Posted by: Bucic - 02-16-2019, 04:41 PM - Forum: General questions
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I'm using Dark general theme and Symbolic icon theme. I've noticed that menu fonts turn black, probably even during the times GIMP is actually running. Restarting GIMP brings back the normal light grey fonts. It's annoying because sometimes I have to close GIMP with 10 unsaved images.
GIMP 2.10.8
Windows 7 x64
AMD FX 3.5 GHz
nVidia GF 660 Ti, latest drivers
PS. Is there a way to generate a troubleshooting log with general information about GIMP components?
PS2. Gimp doesn't offer changing the menu font color in Preferences, which is weird as hell.
Antialias effect intensity |
Posted by: Hackerman - 02-16-2019, 12:35 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (20)
Please help!
I need to import an image from an EPS file without antialiasing so I can achieve better editing results. I want to apply antialiasing afterwards. The thing is that the antialias filter is just too weak (it adds only 1 pixel near the borders!?) and I need a much stronger antialiasing effect (at least 3 pixels). How? I don't think there's an option to choose the intensity of the antialiasing filter. Please don't suggest the following :
1)Any types of blur
2)Scaling the image back and forth with cubic interpolation.
We both know they don't have the same effect. I tried Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator (useless pieces of software) only to find out they don't offer antialiasing at all! I tried everything. And I made a lot of research but no one seemed to have those same complaints. Is 1 pixel aa enough for you?
VERY noobie question |
Posted by: pixelbean - 02-15-2019, 04:08 AM - Forum: General questions
- Replies (2)
Downloaded 2.10.8 GIMP started GIMPTRICKS first lesson - halfway through exercise i was looking for DELETE button
but there is none except EXIT or Close ?
This exercise (my first) is not finished and not saved, so how to start afresh without bringing back the remnants
that was left in the first trial exercise that shows up even though i clik on Close or clear history ?
Sorry to waste your time over a nooby question.